
I am looking for information about how to tag a lagoon "pass" (not sure if
it is the correct word).

A lagoon pass is the place where the water enter and exit the lagoon through
the coral reef. It is often used by boats as entrance to the lagoon, and is
usually a good diving spot, so it is generally named.

The "Passe en S" (https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=14/-12.8688/45.2803)
is an example in Mayotte island, but I guess it is not correctly tagged:

   - *natural=bay *https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:natural%3Dbay

My question has 2 parts: geometry & tags:

*## Which tag?*

As a "pass" is not delimited by a land, natural=bay seems to be
inappropriate, but I am not sure about how to replace it, maybe with

   - *natural=strait*

"Strait" definition in Wikipedia looks to be very close (

*"A strait is a naturally formed, narrow, typically navigable waterway that
> connects two larger bodies of water".*

So, should I use this tag instead? Should I add an extra tag, e.g.:

   - *natural:strait=pass*

*## Which geometry*

I guess natural=strait
<https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:natural%3Dstrait> guidelines are
available as well for passes:

>   Straits can be mapped with either nodes, ways or as areas. Since the
> ends of a strait are often poorly defined like in case of a passage between
> two islands of convex shape it is often difficult to map them in a
> verifiable way as a way or an area.
>    - when mapping as a node this node should usually best be placed
>    approximately in the middle between the coasts of the strait at the
>    narrowest point - like in case of the Strait of Gibraltar.
>    - when a strait is long, narrow and curved or has side channels or an
>    otherwise complex and ambiguous coastline form it often makes sense to map
>    it as a linear way. This should roughly follow the centerline of the water
>    channel like in case of the Matochkin Strait.
>    - in cases where the ends of the strait are well defined you can also
>    map the strait as a closed way or a multipolygon relation enclosing the
>    area generally understood to constitute the strait. In this case the sides
>    of the strait towards land should coincide with the coastline.
Thanks for your help!

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