
I'm trying to turn the English (ceremonial) county boundaries from
OSM into MultiPolygons for use with PostGIS. The last step of the
process is...

ST_Multi(ST_BuildArea(multi-line string))

ST_BuildArea returns NULL if the given lines do not form a Polygon or
MultiPolygon. This has worked fine for the majority of counties, even
MultiPolygons like Cumbria and Polygons with holes like Greater London.
However, some simple ones such as Kent and County Durham return NULL
here and I cannot figure out why.

Here's the relation for Kent.


The relationship analyzer says that the segment for Kent is closed.


Am I misunderstanding what it means by closed? Looking at the map, it
appears to be closed. I have called the PostGIS functions ST_IsRing and
ST_IsClosed on the MultiLineString and they return false. Am I making a
bad assumption here?

I'll be in a lot of trouble if I don't figure this out soon so some
help would be greatly appreciated. :)


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