Hi all,

The OpenStreetMap Foundation election (2014) is coming up soon.  Some
details are still being ironed out and published.  Please pass this
information along to your local community- and language-lists.  Spread
the word to your favoured social networks.

For starters, please find:

Some dates:
Wednesday, 15 October 2014 at 2359H UTC.  Candidate nominations open. (today)

Thursday, 23 October 2014 at 2359H UTC.  Candidate nominations close

Email Proxy votes to open and close some time between these dates.
Details to follow.

Saturday, 08 November 2014, time TBD. In-person voting at SotM Buenos
Aires, Argentina.

Subject to correction, of course.

Candidacy and candidates:
Note that candidates may self-nominate.
The candidate list.

I've had questions about candidates and candidacy and have posted my
thoughts here:
Your questions for current or past board members, and for candidates
are welcome on the lists, IRC and other channels.

-dates for email proxy voting are not yet confirmed.  Typically, email
proxy voting begins some time after candidacy closes, and ends hours
or days before the in-person voting begins.
-STV voting will be used for the first time in the OSMF context.
Details will be added to the wiki page on proxy voting.
- Matters for voting in 2014 include the Election to the Board, three
special resolutions, and a vote on membership fees.  Details to

Best Regards and Happy Mapping,

talk mailing list

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