
Would like to announce an update to OpenTrailView (OTV; now at 
http://www.opentrailview.org/), which I introduced at Girona last year and 
which aims to collect linked 360 degree panoramas of walking / hiking routes a 
la Google StreetView.

A longer post will appear in due course on the blog at 
http://www.free-map.org.uk/wordpress, but for the moment here is a summary of 
the changes made.
* You can now "walk through" a series of panoramas in a simple, 
proto-Google-StreetView  interface. If you select a panorama and there is an 
adjacent one nearby, a yellow arrow will appear at the base of the panorama 
showing you the direction of the next one. Pressing the forward arrow key will 
move you forward to the next panorama.
* OTV now focuses solely on panoramas, it is no longer collecting regular 
photos of trails. However Freemap (will post an update on talk-gb soon) now 
allows you to upload regular photos and associate them with a walking route.

One key thing about the latest OTV is that *underlying OpenStreetMap data* is 
used to link together panoramas. When you select a panorama, nearby OSM ways 
will be located by querying a standard OSM PostGIS database. Each nearby way 
will then be searched for adjacent panoramas. If there is an adjacent panorama 
along a given OSM way, its bearing relative to the current panorama will be 
calculated and shown on the current panorama. For this reason, the "panorama 
linking" feature of OTV is only as good as the underlying OSM data, and due to 
server constraints, *will only work with UK rights of way and permissive 
paths*. So while you can upload and view panoramas in other parts of the world, 
they will not be linked together as there is no OSM data.

I did this because:
* I figured it would ease maintenance and coding effort, not to mention 
contributor effort, if underlying OSM data was used to link panoramas;
* the OTV code is open-source (LGPL; see 
svn.openstreetmap.org/sites/free-map.org.uk) so is readily installable on any 
server with an OSM PostGIS database, PHP and the relevant PHP modules;
* it's something fun to do with OSM data :-)

But, if you disagree with this approach and would prefer to see a separate 
OTV-specific linking mechanism, please let me know.

Due to reliance on the <canvas> tag it will not work in IE BTW. There are a few 
glitches with the interface but it largely works. Some of the panoramas are a 
bit iffy but they were my first efforts :-)


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