Hi all,

For those who are interested in, there is a wiki page to organize GroupSales
for this phone.

For those who don't get it, it's a GSM phone, based on linux, with wifi,
bluetooth, accelerometers, and aGPS (and sure, the well done screen to view
maps ;) )

For the record : http://www.openmoko.org

Picture of the product : http://wiki.openmoko.org/images/c/c6/GTA02.gif

To participate in the group sales : http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/GroupSales

Note that the version is the definitive hardware version, without bugs, and
will be provided with the last available snapshot from the Openmoko linux
when manufacturing, but the platform, will still evolve during few month
before being declared as public usable (maybe a wife's test ;) )

(I forward here because it will be for sure a huge tool to map :) )

Steven Le Roux
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