>> And use the gnash runtime.
> I think it is a good idea to generate gnash-compatible Flash apps, for
> example to support whatever embedded system/ smartphone with
> a powerful OS.

Agreed.  I use gnash on all my machines nowadays, and while I can't say
that it works for everything, it does work well enough that even my wife
didn't ask me to (re)install Adobe's version.
Note that there are also non-embeeded systems and non-smartphones on
which Adobe's Flash is not available (non-x86 systems running
GNU/Linux, like PowerPC macs, some netbooks and nettops, ...)

The rumor said that when gnash-0.8.4 came out (or was it 0.8.6?),
someone had Potlatch working with it.  But I never managed to make
it work.  Currently, when I click the "edit" tab, Potlatch comes ou with
some icons at the bottom, a "pen cursor" thingy, and the middle of
screen gives me a macosx-style hourclock saying "Please wait - loading
presets" and the hourclock keeps spinning eternally.

> Gnash seems not to be very active, but it is quite feature-complete.

I'm pretty sure that Potlatch can be made to work on Gnash, if only the
Gnash and Potlatch people got together and took it as an important goal.
As it stands, Potlatch developpers do not seem very motivated and prefer
to tie their hands a bit tighter with more proprietary technology, sadly.


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