Today I am proud to announce Traveling Salesman v0.9.8 .
In a few weeks, when API 0.6 goes online we want to push
v1.0.0 and to do that, we need your help!
We need people who try it out, make bug-reports, suggest
improvements, complain... we need YOU.
Just click on the webstart-link below, try to use it and
then go back to the forum linked below and tell us what
you think. We want to make this as stable and reliable as
possible to make a usefull navigator for you to use.

Traveling Salesman - 0.9.8

Download it:
Start it via Java Webstart:

After introducing house-numbers with v0.9.7, a great deal of new improvements
are now getting published with v0.9.8.
The most important are probably:
* support for turn-restrictions and metrics for making turns with a
completely new routing-engine -plugin
* support for determining what country a road is in and if it is inside a city
* that is used to provide support for country-spefic traffic
regulations like different maximum speeds and driving on the left side
* we show the ETA and remaining kilometers in the routeInstructionPanel
* Plugins now support having settings of their own and the
Settings-dialog was cleaned up big time
* We support many more speech-synthesesis -plugins with SpeechD and
invoking external programs.
* The low zoom-maps are now much faster and show more roads then
before by applying improved road-combining-algorithms

========= Changes ============

- 0000052: [Renderers] ODRPaintVisitor: simplified view missing
significant parts of roads (Marcuswolschon) - erledigt.
- 0000055: [Renderers] ODRPaintVisitor: map is really sluggish with a
database full of detail (Marcuswolschon) - erledigt.
- 0000076: [Route-Finding] Route is recalculated too often
(Marcuswolschon) - geschlossen.
- 0000075: [Driving Directions] NullPointerException in
SimpleRouteDescriber if there is no myNextStep (Marcuswolschon) -
- 0000072: [Databases] tags-keys changing (Marcuswolschon) - geschlossen.
- 0000060: [User-Interface] Selectable predefined zoom for
destinations or route (Marcuswolschon) - geschlossen.
- 0000071: [User-Interface] Icon for roundabouts missing
(Marcuswolschon) - geschlossen.
- 0000074: [Route-Finding] TurnRestrictedMultiTargetDijkstraRouter
(Marcuswolschon) - geschlossen.
- 0000073: [Address-Search] AdressDB strips cyrillic characters
(Marcuswolschon) - geschlossen.
- 0000070: [User-Interface] show ETA and remaining distance to
destination in UI (Marcuswolschon) - geschlossen.
- 0000043: [User-Interface] add context menu to map with two items
(combbs) - geschlossen.
- 0000069: [Driving Directions] allow an external program to be used
for voice-output (Marcuswolschon) - geschlossen.
- 0000068: [Settings and Plugin-Management] support Config-Settings
with a list to choose from (Marcuswolschon) - geschlossen.
- 0000067: [Driving Directions] support voice-output using Speechd
(Marcuswolschon) - geschlossen.
- 0000066: [Settings and Plugin-Management] Settings cannot handle
null values (Marcuswolschon) - geschlossen.
- 0000065: [Settings and Plugin-Management] Improve plugin-system to
let plugins have settings of their own (Marcuswolschon) - geschlossen.
- 0000054: [Renderers] ODRPaintVisitor: highway=path without
additional tags falsely rendered like a normal road (combbs) -
- 0000059: [Driving Directions] 0.9.8-beta: still wrong instructions
(Marcuswolschon) - geschlossen.
- 0000061: [User-Interface] improved finnish translatrion
(Marcuswolschon) - geschlossen.
- 0000058: [User-Interface] search field has "steetname"
(Marcuswolschon) - geschlossen.
- 0000056: [Driving Directions] A "turn right" is needed but screen
shows "follow road" (Marcuswolschon) - geschlossen.
- 0000057: [User-Interface] add instructions to log-panel
(Marcuswolschon) - geschlossen.

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