The description is simply the name of the sport, with no additional


 1. OSM wiki page descriptions of sports tags (Warin)

1) sport=filed_hockey description: Field Hockey

You even could leave field out of it since its an outdoors sports with 2 
exceptions inside a building or on an icerink resp hockey:indoor & 

2) sport=australian_football description:*Wikipedia-16px.png Australian
rules football
<>*, officially
known as *Australian football*, also called
*football*, *footy*, *Aussie rules*, or *AFL* is a sport
<> played between two teams of
eighteen players on the field of either an Australian football ground
a modified cricket field <>,
or a similarly sized sports venue

Way too verbose! And it describes the sport .. not what is on the ground!

So I think a third method would be better ... and that the description
should describe what is on the ground!

3) sport=field_hockey description: A rectangular pitch of x meters by y
meters, with rectangular goals of v height and w width at both ends on
which field hockey is played.

There are different fields in use, grass less and less, artificial turf; water 
or sand covered.

The artificial field has a size of 91,40 by 55,00 with a border of 2,00 around 
the field and an border of 2,00 m in the goal region.

The grass fields could be different in seizes.

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