[OSM-talk] Fwd: OSM country interviews

2014-10-25 Thread Richard Weait
oops.  Must remember to list-reply.  :)

-- Forwarded message --
From: Richard Weait 
Date: Sat, Oct 25, 2014 at 7:39 PM
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] OSM country interviews
To: Ed Freyfogle 

Hi Ed,

Yes, I enjoyed the State of the Country presentations as well.  I
remember many in Limerick, and several in Amsterdam.  I think State of
the Country talks transitioned to the Lightning Talk tracks in Girona
and so have been less prominent since then.

The wide difference between what the German community and Canadian
community had to present in Limerick was stark.  :-)  It was
inspirational to see countries that were further along the
OpenStreetMap curve and mapping street furniture and infrastructure
like lamp posts, while others were a long way from completing a basic
road network, or even major bodies of water.

Best regards and happy mapping,


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[OSM-talk] OSM country interviews

2014-10-25 Thread Ed Freyfogle

many years ago at SotMs there used to be a track of talks in which the
speaker would present the state of OSM in their country or region - the
community, the unique challenges, etc. I always really enjoyed those talks
because they were a chance to learn about the diversity of the world while
also reminding us that we're all the same in our desire to create a great
and open map.

Like the vast majority of OSMers I won't be able to attend SotM this year
(though I will be at WhereCamp Berlin please say hello if you're there),
but I'm fortunate to have a job that lets me work on OSM. I'm one of the
people behind the OpenCage geocoder: http://geocoder.opencagedata.com

We thought we'd revive the country report tradition by interviewing people
from the different communities on our blog. We've done a few now, listed
below. Hope you enjoy them, and if you'd like to tell the world about OSM
in our part of the world we'd love to hear from you


The interviews so far:


Basque Country:





We also do interviews in general with anyone doing interesting things in
open geo data generally or OSM specifically. See

Final note - would especially love to interview anyone who's done on the
ground mapping in Antarctica or similarly remote place.
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Re: [OSM-talk] Postponing elections, or other alternatives (Was: Modus operandi of the board)

2014-10-25 Thread Frederik Ramm

   I've raised the idea of postponing AGM and election with the board
but it appears that there is no board majority for postponing/cancelling

Of course you or any other OSMF member is welcome to coordinate plans
for members to make a (non-binding) recommendation about how they would
like the board to proceed.

I'll avoid the word 'resolution' here because a resolution is something
that would be binding and have to be properly put on the invitation when
the AGM was announced and it is too late for that.

This would really need some champion from the membership drawing up some
wording and getting the necessary support behind it. I find the whole
thing interesting but personally I have taken a very explicit position
in the whole affair and it would polarize too much if I were to
spearhead a "reboot" effort.

I guess the 100% proper and legal way would be to not rush anything into
this AGM. Instead (and IANAL etc, just a reader of our AoA and Companies

1. Draw up a proposal for a reboot, for example saying that the whole
board is sacked and re-elected and nobody with more than X years on the
board is eligible.

2. Find 26 OSMF members who like the idea. Or better 30. You need 5% of
voters. This is complicated by the fact that you don't know who the
voters are but if you fish among osmf-talk participants you have a good
starting point.

3. Write to the board requesting a general meeting as per the paragraphs
I mentioned earlier, with the agenda consisting of the sole item of
passing the drafted resolution. The board then has 21 days to announce
that a general meeting takes place, and the meeting must take place
between 14 and 28 days after that announcement. This means that the
meeting will take place between 14 and 49 days after board receives your

4. At the meeting, you'll then need a simple majority of all votes to
get the resolution passed.

That would create a binding resolution, and would also be the only way
that works should individual board members refuse to comply. If on the
other hand you can assume that all board members will support the
effort, a simple declaration of intent by a large enough group of
members could be sufficient. But if that intent should contain that the
whole board is to quit and one member then were to refuse, the only way
to force them would most likely be the above GM process.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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[OSM-talk] Questions for 2014 OSMF Nominees

2014-10-25 Thread Dave Corley

Just a reminder to all nominees that there are questions posed for you at
that are awaiting responses.

For those that have already answered some questions, I'd advise you to
review the page again as a few new questions have appeared.

Dave (DaCor)
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap ten years on, and why it's time for a fresh slate

2014-10-25 Thread Nick Whitelegg
>I can recite a few of them. We have very little mobile presence, even 
>though smartphones are ideal surveying devices; a 5% intervention here 
>would bring so many more people to our 95%.

Interesting points. I'd hope most of us, though, remain idealistic beyond our 
20s and don't turn into some sort of technophobic Farage-loving bore. ;-)

Regarding your point here, I've always wondered (and I think I mentioned this 
some time ago) whether there would be room for an "easy" footpaths editor 
(sorry to go on about footpaths but it's my "pet" OSM thing). The user simply 
records their GPS trace on their phone via a custom app, and selects, via a 
simple dropdown etc, the current right-of-way type (footpath, bridleway etc). 
The trace is simplified (e.g. Douglas-Peucker) and converted directly to an OSM 
file (I think this is what I did way back with osmeditor... anyone remember 

When back home the data is uploaded. This could be done in a number of ways 
e.g. OSM data could be downloaded and then some sort of algorithm applied to 
detect which part of the trace is new. Those segments which are new are then 
joined - initially automatically but with option to change - to existing data 
and then uploaded to the server. Alternatively, one could "throw" some OSM data 
at the server and have the server figure out which parts are new and which are 
not - though that would of course involve an extension to the API.

Is this something that could be of interest? (cc to talk-gb as it's slightly 
UK-centric but could be used elsewhere potentially)

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Applications to the Local Chapter Agreement

2014-10-25 Thread Rob Nickerson
Thanks Jói,

I was never seriously expecting there to be any conflicts over geographic
"territory" and I'm confident that you are best placed to know of any other
groups in your area. My question was more out of curiosity - I'm glad I
asked because I've discovered new groups I was unaware of :-)

All the best,

 *Jóhannes Birgir Jensson*
*Thu Oct 23 08:47:05 UTC 2014*

On behalf of the Icelandic applicants we are fairly sure that we are the
only ones representing our area and we will strive hard to include
others who will be or are interested in the area.

We have a small blurb in English about us on our webpage, the OSM
affiliation would be presented under OpenStreetMap á Íslandi (in
Iceland) where applicable.

Jói, current chairman
talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] weekly issue 222

2014-10-25 Thread Madalina Ionescu
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue 222, is now availalbe in English,
giving as always a summary of all things happening in the openstreetmap
world: http://www.weeklyosm.eu

Special thanks to Martijn van Exel for his help this week:)

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