In this video in English about the Russian Trans-Siberian Railway:
at 3 minutes 34 seconds a Navigation and Security application of a Passenger Train is shown which seems to be based on the OSM. The film was produced in 2014, so the town of Khabarovsk (rus. Хабаровск) is mapped by now much better.

I am not absolutely sure that it is OpenStreetMap, but the design and colors of the map in this application look like the OSM couple of years ago. Russian Railway is one of the three largest transport companies in the world . It is government owned.

Best regards,

On 03.02.17 14:44, joost schouppe wrote:

With the Belgian community, we're making some careful progress into getting government to really integrate OSM/VGI into their data management efforts. So not talking about background maps here, real data contribution or community engagement.

There are some very specific issues and opportunities there. I believe the Canadian Census is going that way. Are there any other projects in this direction? Is there anything like a project catalogue around?

Joost Schouppe

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