[OSM-talk] Call to Take Action and Confront Systemic Offensive Behavior in the OSM Community

2020-12-10 Thread Fabian Hernandez via talk
 For a community to be resilient, resilient individuals are required. Those who 
are offended by everything only contribute to lessening the resistance of the 
community. Those who group by collectives only crush the first minority, the 
individual. Meritocracy should be the form of government, and if anyone 
believes that it is not, it is because he sees a lack of merits in himself, or 
in a group that he sees without merits.

In no way is it good to propose to silence one group to favor another, it is 
the problem we have now. We can all speak and the helicopter gunships will not 
be silenced. Everyone has the same right to speak no more and no less. Long 
live freedom of expression!
talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Call to Take Action and Confront Systemic Offensive Behavior in the OSM Community (Celine Jacquin)

2020-12-10 Thread Fabian Hernandez via talk
 That document is despicable, promoting discrimination of some groups 
pretending to help others.

Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2020 13:06:45 -0600
From: Celine Jacquin 
To: osmf-t...@openstreetmap.org, talk@openstreetmap.org
Subject: [OSM-talk] Call to Take Action and Confront Systemic
 Offensive Behavior in the OSM Community
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Hello everybody
I hope you are all well

We, several groups, chapters, organizations and individuals, have reacted
to the conversation in the osm-talk-list (
considering that it is an incident symptomatic of the problem we have faced
for many years in the community, which is one of the greatest obstacles to
diversity at all levels of OSM. Time to make a real change.
That is why we have developed a beginning of statement on the desirable
mechanisms to work solidly on the rules of coexistence and improve

We bring it to your attention and invite anyone who feels represented to
sign it. Translations are in preparation (any help is welcome):

On behalf of the signatories
Best regards

Céline Jacquin
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Is it technically and legally possible to add the Open Location Code to the OSM search?

2018-08-14 Thread Fabian Schmidt

Am 13.08.18 schrieb Simon Poole:

Am 13.08.2018 um 18:46 schrieb Daniel Koć:

Since buildings are not guaranteed to fit into OLC rectangles and they
not 1:1 compatible, this usage makes sense for me.

If you are doing that, why bother with OLC then, when  you can just as
well do some kind of sensible easily digestible house numbering? As you
are recording the value in a geospatial dataset all the advantages of
OLC vanish in a puff of smoke IMHO.

It is similar to the (South?) American addressing scheme, everybody could
compute the house number by measuring the distance to the next crossing,
but it might be faster to look it up in your contact data. And even if
your house is 10 m wide you only want to use (and memorize) one number,
even if several numbers map to the same house. And in answer to Frederik:
if your government does not feel responsible, just pick a number as a
house or business owner.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Activity statistics per city (or region)

2015-10-26 Thread Fabian Schmidt

On 10/26/2015 10:52 AM, César Martínez Izquierdo wrote:

I mean for instance list of all users and its declared location

AFAIK it is not possible to access a list of declared locations (except 
for the users around you).

It is rare but there are users who renamed their account, so there are 
more user names than numeric user ids.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] THIS is the kind of enthusiasm some would reject

2015-09-08 Thread Fabian Schmidt

On 09/08/2015 12:16 AM, Dave F. wrote:

I fail to understand why railways are singled out as a special case. If
roads, buildings or woods get demolished, they get deleted.

please have a look at the tag definition in the wiki: "where the rails 
have been removed but the route is still visible in some way" [1]

Building railway lines leads to many cuttings, embankments and bridges, 
which e.g. predestines abandoned railway lines to convert them into 
cycleways. This was frequently done and discussed for future projects 
especially in mountaineous regions where I live.


[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag%3Arailway%3Dabandoned

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Re: [OSM-talk] Overpass area query gives results outside area...

2013-11-08 Thread Fabian Schmidt

Am 08.11.13 schrieb Jean-Marc Liotier:

To return multiple types of objects, this works:


I would expect the area() to be a subset of way() and rel(), so you 
wouldn't need to add it to the query?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Overpass area query gives results outside area...

2013-11-08 Thread Fabian Schmidt

Am 06.11.13 schrieb Jean-Marc Liotier:

I need to extract objects that fall within the bounds of Senegal - so I 
turned to the Overpass API... But it seems that my level of understanding 
does not yet match its power. I need your help !

As an exercise, let's find Dakar in Senegal - http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/1qa 



returns a place=city, place=state and a container harbour, but not Dakar 
in San Sebastián.
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Making iD the default editor on osm.org - some numbers

2013-08-25 Thread Fabian Schmidt

Am 24.08.13 schrieb Lester Caine:

See other thread an why there should not be a delete button! I made the same 
case on potlatch in the past and now the reasons are even greater.

In your last 5 changesets you deleted 7 nodes. You improved the quality of 
the map by deleting (and adding) nodes.

When you try a new editor or add a node by mistake, you might not want to 
save everything you added. So you need a way to delete them without 
throwing away all your changes.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How to map mountain pass in Poltach 2

2013-01-22 Thread Fabian Schmidt

Am 22.01.13 schrieb Peter Wendorff:

Am 22.01.2013 07:34, schrieb Clifford Snow:

  On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 10:15 PM, Tanveer Singh
I was looking at some roads in the himalayas which pass
through high mountain passes(marked by signboard).

You want to mark the mountain pass point with a node. In advanced add
mountain_pass = yes

Additional to "mountain_pass=yes" and "name=... La" you might want to add
  ele=4567 (height in metres).



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Re. OpenBuildingModels repository

2012-08-06 Thread Fabian Schmidt


Am 05.08.12 schrieb Frederik Ramm:

On 03.08.2012 18:32, Alexander Zipf wrote:

Matthias mentioned in his answer that this is not planned yet, but in
fact I like this idea very much and certainly we would love to welcome
outside contributions.

I think this is crucial for the success of the project.

it's not that crucial if the main focus is the collection of data. As long 
as the data is open and updatable and Tobias, Komяpa et al. accept the 
decision for VRML then this will be more important for the success as a 
repository, whoever will use it.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] data reconciliation tools

2011-07-26 Thread Fabian Schmidt

Am 26.07.11 schrieb Michael Kugelmann:

Once more: my original email was a question/request to the foundation and/or 
server admins. Please set up a (almost) realtime tool/server or support 
Fabian to get his server on "realtime mode".

The LWG has enough work without developping tools, but as you can read in 
https://docs.google.com/View?id=dd9g3qjp_122fxn8g2ck they fulfilled your 
request. And for the admin a broken raid controller is fortunately more 

Turning knifes is a strange way to try to motivate people ...


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Re: [OSM-talk] data reconciliation tools

2011-07-25 Thread Fabian Schmidt

Am 23.07.11 schrieb Michael Kugelmann:

I for my personnal view think that's way too slow for current demands: we 
should see at least a daily update for the demands of the current work which 
is necessary to replace ways. Is there a way to speed up e.g. by getting 
closer to the main database or so?

On Saturday the update to the recent full planet dump finished, so the 
data is now from June.

A speed up depends on the way the diffs work. Can sbd. tell me whether the 
daily/hourly/minutely diffs contain all changesets of the day/... or only 
the last version per object?

Beste regards,


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] data reconciliation tools

2011-07-21 Thread Fabian Schmidt

Am 20.07.11 schrieb Andrew Guertin:


Is this using old data?

Yes. The license data is updated three times per day, but the map data 
including the object history is still from April. An update to the data of 
the recent full planet dump from June is in progress.

So, a way will change it's colour after a user accepts the license. But it 
will stay in the old colour for some weeks if the way is recreated with a 
new ID.


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Re: [OSM-talk] the 70% , was Re: License graph

2011-04-19 Thread Fabian Schmidt

Am 19.04.11 schrieb Elizabeth Dodd:

Are we counting humans or data?

I count data at http://osm.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/map/ below the map, 
Toby and Fred count humans, while SunCobalt and wicking count both at 


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] What the license change is going to do to the map

2011-02-15 Thread Fabian Schmidt

Am 09.02.11 schrieb Toby Murray:


I think it only looks at roads but it's a start. Also, I'm not sure
how up to date it is. At the time this map was created there were
about 3700 people who had accepted. Now there are close to 8,000. Not
sure if it is rendering off of live updates or not.

The users_agreed is updated 2-3 times per day, so the colours are up to 
date. For the map I need the full dump. At the moment you see the map of 
October, but the January map should go live in a few days.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] license change map

2010-11-12 Thread Fabian Schmidt

Am 11.11.10 schrieb Anthony:

What exactly does it mean for a way to be "created and edited only by
people who did accept the ODBL"?  Specifically, are you looking at the
underlying nodes, or not?

At the moment I'm only looking at the ways as it is visible in the API 
history. So an edit consists of editing tags, adding or removing nodes. I 
don't check if a node is moved., but only if there is a new version of a 


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] license change map

2010-11-11 Thread Fabian Schmidt

Am 11.11.10 schrieb Serge Wroclawski:

So far 3700 mappers agreed to the new license. Out of 68 million ways 
46% are created and edited only by people who did accept the ODBL 42% 
were not edited by a proponent of ODBL,

I don't know if your intentions are to be neutral or not, but this is
not a neutral statement.

I have a opinion of the CTs and the license, but my itentions with the map 
are neutral and I thought my posting was neutral, because I didn't state 
anything about the mappes who didn't accept CT + license. It seems I 

What you can say is that 46% are created/edited by people who accepted
the new Contributor Terms, and 42% haven't.

So let me train neutral language and add to my stats that 3700 accepted 
the license+CT and 98,163 of the editors of the ways have not accepted the 


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] license change map

2010-11-11 Thread Fabian Schmidt

As the license thermometer[1] turns greener I was interested in how far 
this already effects the map data. So using the planet history I took a 
closer look on the ways.

So far 3700 mappers agreed to the new license. Out of 68 million ways 46% 
are created and edited only by people who did accept the ODBL. 42% were 
not edited by a proponent of ODBL, the remaining 12% of the ways have a 
mixed history. You will find a map of the ways colored according to their 
license (red = CCBYSA, green = ODBL, yellow = partly ODBL) at



[1] http://matt.dev.openstreetmap.org/treemap.png

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] aeroway_obstacle Feature Proposal - Voting - Proposed features/aeroway obstacle

2008-12-01 Thread andras . fabian
Voting stopped by alpilotx ... Sorry guys. I have completely forgotten to check 
the Talk page. In the first days I didn't get responses and then I was 
believing, I would get automatic notification if I set the page on watch (which 
was obviously not the case). And I got only one response via the mailing list 
So, again sorry for the inconvenience and I will now go back to the RFC state. 
I will see if I can clean up the - partially - valid objections from the Talk. 

Andras Fabian

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Herzschmerz, mehr Fernsehen! Erleben Sie 50 digitale TV Programme und optional 
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Bewertungen von TV Movie. Außerdem, aktuelle Filmhits und spannende Dokus in 
der Arcor-Videothek. Infos unter www.arcor.de/tv

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] aeroway_obstacle Feature Proposal - Voting - Proposed features/aeroway obstacle

2008-12-01 Thread andras . fabian
After an RFC time of 4 weeks, and no big objections - only some minor 
corrections - I would like to promote this feature request to the Voting. 
Voting starts today 2008-12-01 and will end on 2008-12-15.

Here is the link to the proposal:

Thank you very much for your vote!

Andras Fabian

Jetzt komfortabel bei Arcor-Digital TV einsteigen: Mehr Happy Ends, mehr 
Herzschmerz, mehr Fernsehen! Erleben Sie 50 digitale TV Programme und optional 
60 Pay TV Sender, einen elektronischen Programmführer mit Movie Star 
Bewertungen von TV Movie. Außerdem, aktuelle Filmhits und spannende Dokus in 
der Arcor-Videothek. Infos unter www.arcor.de/tv

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - aeroway_obstacle

2008-11-03 Thread Andras Fabian
Thanks for the link (I didn't see it when I searched for existing info in the 
wiki - I searched for "obstacle" and 
"obstruction" ... neither one turned up this page). I think, our tagging schema 
would fit fairly well in the "obstacles" 
part of this definition (which is not very detailed in the Kosmos_AirNav 
definition). AND our definition also has the 
advantage, that it is more-or-less in sync with official definitions like the 
ones from the FAA (so their data could be 
imported fairly easily).

Andras Fabian

Am Monday 03 November 2008 21:52:51 schrieben Sie:
> See also:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Kosmos_AirNav_Rules#Obstructions_fo
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk/2008-November/031052.html
> (Tagging tall buildings)

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - aeroway_obstacle

2008-11-03 Thread Andras Fabian

An Air traffic obstacle is a tall structure (a node, or linear feature) which 
can endanger air traffic. Air traffic 
obstacles have to be marked in most cases with red and white colored markings 
and with aircraft warning lights at night. 
On larger structures blinking lights are required. This definition was taken 
from Wikipedia, see: Air traffic obstacle 
OSM already has the category aeroway for marking and categorising anything to 
do with where (mainly civilian) aircraft, 
helicopters take off and land. Obstacles are an important part of air 
navigation - especially in in low visibility 
conditions - as they need to be avoided at any cost. OSM also already has most 
of the potential obstacles as features - 
like the man_made structures lighthouse, tower, beacon - but lacks any kind of 
tagging, which explicitly and 
additionally categorizes them as being air traffic obstacles. 


This new feature would make it possible, to additionally mark physical features 
as being hazardous obstacles in the 
aeroway category. This would enable map makers in the air navigation sector, to 
enrich their air navigational charts 
with this relevant information. 
A secondary - and also very important to the proposing party - application 
would be to use this information in flight 
simulation and thus in flight training. One specific case on hand is the 
X-Plane flight simulator (http://www.x-
plane.com/) which is lacking this data outside the United States. This data is 
seldom available freely to the public, 
and even in those cases is not of the best quality (the above mentioned wiki 
links lists three such examples). 
As a result of this the feature, the scenery developer of X-Plane flight 
simulator could much more easily include this 
data into their system. But of course, it would be open to every other 
simulator too. 


Andras Fabian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM "real" paper map of Freiburg, Germany

2008-03-30 Thread Fabian -Patzi- Patzke
Hash: SHA1

you produced a nice map there.
| We're very proud of the quality we achieved here.
So you can be proud.

It was quite a lot
| of work; we first tweaked the rules file to get the right colours
| (i.e. the usual colours in German city maps)
I think it would be a real cool thing if you could make the rule file
availaible. I'd like to make a picture-map from Göttingen -
that looks more german-style. Maybe somewhere in the wiki osmarender
I think generaly some coutry specific styles would be cool, if there are
more differences in other countries. Would be a hard think for all zoom
levels ...

And once again, nice work. I think such things helps spreading OSM very


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