Hi all,

A while ago I was looking for a way to integrate the current events from
the wiki into my calendar application. In the end I scratched my itch by
writing a quick screen-scraping script to generate an iCal feed[1].

Fast forward to the present day and the amount of activity in OSM has
increased to the point where my poor calendar is starting look rather
cluttered from the volume of events. As I'm often not interested in
events happening a long way from me I have updated the script to be geo

Users of the feed can now specify an additional bounding box parameter
(e.g. [2]) to obtain the events in their area of interest. Not all
events have an easily identifiable location, if you would like to
include these events add the nongeo=true parameter to the url (e.g.



[1] http://www.openstreetmap.org.uk/events.ics

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