
PAFID gave OSM Philippines permission to import it's geodata mainly of
topographic features based on digitized 1:50K topomaps of the country.

The coverage are the mountainous and rural areas of the country where no
satellite image or GPS maybe available.

Approximately 179 toposheets are available or roughly 18% of the entire
1:50K toposheets of the whole country.

I am currently collecting ideas on how we can add the data to OSM here:

To date, this is one the biggest data import we will do for the
Philippines and will cover much of the unmapped areas.

Please share your insights on how we can implement the import.  I am
hopeful that the success of this import would pave the way for many
geodata silos in the Philippine to donate data to OSM.

"Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden
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