I wanted to ask for ideas and discussion related to tourism:camp_site. Noting that there is also a wiki on this;


Some general things. (Much from my own experience)

- Do we need to be extensive in our data detail given that there are a plethora of other online databases available?

- Recent world changes and trends have seen employment and "just living" whilst NFA far more common, so I think it is worth getting this working well.


- In my experience there is now a large-ish proportion of population that follows the rule, "stop/camp at any public place where it is not expressly prohibited". The list of where it is not allowed is as important as where it is. People quite literally stop anywhere. Many towns are now entry signed something like "No camping within town boundary except at authorised establishments".

- The previous implies that every camp sites will never be mapped. It also means many wont have names.

- There is a confusion between "camping" and "overnight stays" when it comes to signage. Since many now have both prohibited (eg remote Qld highway truck parking areas) it is more or less (conveniently) assumed that "no camping" (only) allows staying overnight in vehicles.

- Pretty well every camp site can have a maximum stay period defined. Rest areas range between 8 and 48 hours. Most rest areas are 20 hours and of course there are truck parking ONLY places.

- An aside... It isn't clear whether a car driver can use a toilet at a truck rest area in Qld. (https://www.qld.gov.au/transport/safety/holiday-travel/stops/rest) That would make toilets hgv:designated... (Insert laugh here)

My questions for starters

- How to define where camping is prohibited. Either by actual location or (say) a larger area like a town/shire. I have been adding camp_site names NO CAMPING and/or NO OVERNIGHT VEHICLES, the sign authority (operator) and access=no , after we had a talk_au discussion on rest areas some months ago. I don't like it, but I had to put the data somewhere in the interim.

- Maximum length of stay would be a golden/useful key. That will cover rest areas (hours) as well as those small community camps that only allow 3 days or so. opening_hours doesn't cover it.

- Does capacity:tents=yes/no capacity:caravans=yes/no help the overnight vs "camping" question. Keep in mind that people also travel around sleeping in cars (capacity:motor_cars=yes/no), panel vans and grounded sleeping bags beside motorbikes!


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