The Dept of Lands database was said to be 94% correct in 2007 and improving.
Most of their errors relate to the house numbers on a street, and I
would assume that their suburb boundaries are correct.
This data should take precendence over ABS data.


2009/3/8 Franc Carter <>:
> I wonder if this is because the data is/was off when it was created(2006) or
> because the boundaries
> have changed?
> On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 8:47 AM, Ben Kelley <> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> For NSW the Lands Department's "Geospatial Portal"
>> can show suburb boundaries in the cadastral
>> layer.
>> Of the area in question, where the ABS shows the boundary going neatly
>> down the middle of my street, the NSW Lands Department shows the boundary
>> between 1 street and 1/2 a street further south. That is, on the next street
>> south, some houses are in my suburb, and some are in the next suburb.
>>  - Ben Kelley.
>> 2009/3/6 Ben Kelley <>
>>> Hi.
>>> Any thoughts on how to work out the real boundary when the ABS data
>>> disagrees with commonly known boundaries?
>>> I don't know why I didn't notice this when I previewed the data, but the
>>> ABS data shows the boundary for my suburb going right down the middle of my
>>> street (when I believe it to be one street over). This puts my house in the
>>> next suburb over.
>>> I suspect the ABS data is wrong, but any thoughts on how to find out for
>>> sure?
>>> Franc - do you have a contact at the ABS who might be interested in
>>> corrections?
>>>  - Ben Kelley.
> --
> Franc
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