I bet you thought I was about to wade into the roundabouts discussion...

Nope. Sorry.

Basically, I've been potlatching to my hearts content for the last 18 
months, and it's served me well. But the time has come to learn how to 
use JOSM... I'm a big boy now, and this will be like the move from 
writing in pencil to getting my pen "license" when I was in grade 2...

Anyway, I've been playing around in JOSM, and I've made some changes, 
and uploaded them, but it was giving me warnings or something about 
overlapped areas. I couldn't see anything I'd screwed up too badly, but 
was wondering if anyone with more JOSM experience than myself (so you'd 
need at least 43 mins of JOSM expererience to fulfull the requirement), 
could cast a quick eye over what I just did, and make sure I haven't 
cocked it up too bad.

I've added a bunch of beaches to Great Keppel Island, and tried to 
attach them to the costal boundaries correctly (the first potlatch 
attempt wasn't great).

Anyway, all the carnage is approximately here: 



(as a complete aside, and I don't know if he (or she) is on the AU 
mailing list, but there's a mapper in Brisbane who has been keeping me 
very much amused with his/her diary entries - awesm is the handle: 

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