I'm interested in seeing buildings in ACT Australia imported into
OpenStreetMap in line with the Import Guidelines

At this stage I'm seeking buy in from the local community as well as
feedback on the plan.

The data is available from http://actmapi.act.gov.au/datadownload/ and is
CC BY 4.0 licensed and the OSMF CC BY waiver has been completed

1. Attribute Mapping

The existing building classifications don't exactly line up with OSM
building tags and this is something easy to contribute via survey so most
buildings have the generic building=yes tag or building=residential tag.

source:geometry=ACTMapi has been added to each feature.

2.  Import Plan

I've done some processing to the source data at
https://github.com/andrewharvey/au-actmapi-osm-import the .osm file is at

The import would use a dedicated imports account and not would either use
the geometry replace tool in JOSM or not replace existing buildings. I'm
keen for any feedback from the local ACT mappers.
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