This may be of interest for OSM people

November 6, 2014
Université Libre de Bruxelles

The Institute of Environmental Management and Spatial Planning (IGEAT)
of the Free University of Brussels (ULB) and OSGeo-fr are organising
the BE-OpenGIS-FR on November 6, 2014 at the ULB.

This day of conferences and practice sessions (in French) is aimed at
anyone using free and open source GIS tools in their professional life
or studies. We hope to gather together those scientists,
administrations, private companies and interested individuals using
and/or developing these tools, or just being curious about them.

The first part of the day will cover three topics in the form of presentations:

1) State and perspectives of public OpenData in the three Belgian
regions and in Africa

2) Presentation of some selected free and open source tools in GIS
including the possibilities of integrating them into existing
proprietary infrastructures

3) Examples of concrete applications using free and open source GIS tools

Presenters come from administrations, private companies and academics
active in the field.

The second part of the day is dedicated to practical workshops and
demonstrations on topics such as

- Using QGIS to create your customized, tailor-made application
- Spatial analysis and cartography with R
- A toolchain for putting your maps on the Web
- Advanced spatial analysis with GRASS 7

The aim of the day is to inform and promote, but also to discuss
current issues and needs as well as reflect on the opportunity of
building up a community of FOSS-GIS users and contributors in Belgium.

For more information contact Moritz Lennert (
A website will be up and running soon at

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