---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Johan Van de Wauw <johan.vandew...@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 10:21 PM
Subject: Reminder: Call for papers Geospatial devroom @ FOSDEM
To: t...@openstreetmap.org

Hi all,

Like last year, there will be a geospatial devroom @FOSDEM [1]
A gentle reminder that the deadline for submitting proposals to the
geospatial devroom is *tomorrow* already! We hope to see some more
contributions from the open streetmap community this year, so don't
hesitate to submit your proposal!

If you don't have time to write an abstract in time, feel free to just
submit a title - you can still edit the abstract later, but having
titles fast helps making a balanced program.

Should you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with
the organisers of the devroom at fosdem-geospatial at gisky.be

Kind Regards,
[1] https://lists.fosdem.org/pipermail/fosdem/2015-November/002292.html

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