Hi Belgian mappers!

After our great Missing Maps Mapathon in Antwerp, you might be in to map
for the good cause again...?

At this moment I'm on the road to Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh
where we will
start mapping "in the field" again under the umbrella of the Missing Maps
We have mobilized the local Bangladeshi OSM community and they are ready to
collect local points of interest, names, ... Pete Masters (as coordinator
of the Missing Maps Project) and I are going to support the local OSM-ers.

The local community is mapping already, but the help of the worldwide
mapping community is welcome to help to prepare the field survey. Last week
there was a mapping party in London, and they did a great job, but there is
still more work to be done...

It would be great to have a (rough) basemap of Hazaribagh
and Kamrangirchar
next saturday. The areas are two very vulnerable neigbourhoods in Dhaka
where a lot of ngos are active.

So for this we count on your joint forces!

Mapping tasks:
- http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/838
- http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/831

Validation task:
- http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/833

But watch out, these are not easy tasks, because the areas are so crowded.
I made a small presentation on how you best can map the areas. You can find
it back in the instructions of each task.

Looking foreward to see the tasks moving :-)

Best greetings!

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