I would like to join my efforts to complete the map of the Forêt de Soignes
/ Zoniënwoud.

Is there a "Belgian" standard for the various highway tags applicable for
wooden areas, forests, etc.?

I see "track", "pedestrian", "footway", "cycleway" and the rendering shows
different symbols for the same type of highway!

May I suggest for this particular case:

   1. stick to the following keys:
   1. *"*unclassified" + "surface" values ("asphalt" or "concrete" or
      2. "tracktype" + "grade 1" or "grade 2" values ("3" or "4" values in
      some cases, most tracks have a high grade for forestry engines!)
      3. "path" + "restrictions" values (*bicycle=no* or *horse=no*)**
      4. "bridleway" (a few specific cases)
      5. "cycleway" (a few specific cases)
      2. remove "pedestrian" tags as it is more appropriate in urban areas
   3. suppress "cycleway" when "highway" key is activated
   4. suppress "footway" and replace it by "path"

Any opinion?

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