
I just installed my very own Mapnik tile server and I'd like to show it off :-)

I also discovered a lot of interesting stuff about JOSM lately:

- mapcss styles: bring the interesting bits of data prominently forward:
                         When working on cycle routes: cycle nodes and routes
                         When working on hiking routes: walking nodes
and their routes
                         When working on public transportation routes:
bus stops and routes serving them

- custom name formatting: decide yourself what you want a 'name' to be
composed of:
                       My cycle routes show:

And I've been experimenting with Maperitive a bit to create maps for printing.

On top of that I sort of pioneered customising JOSM with Python
scripts, but that's a rather advanced topic.

And maybe I'll have some more news on Toerisme Vlaanderen by then. For
now I'm awaiting some data files from them, to see what's in them and
how we can incorporate that in OSM conveniently.

Of course we can also talk about the weather. :-)

So, what do you think? Feel like getting together once again? I could
also come to another city, but then somebody else has to organise the
venue. Of course, preferably something with free wifi.

Kind regards,


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