Re: [OSM-talk-be] #equalstreetnames

2020-03-03 Thread Karel Adams
Just for the fun of speculating: is way 225291488 named politically 
correct, or not? ;)


On 2020-03-03 19:30, Marc Gemis wrote:

Hello Seppe

thanks a lot for sharing this information.
I do like the project (despite my comments on obtaining the data
before the start) because:

- it uses my 2 favourite crowd-sourced open data projects
- it really requires both projects to create the map
- Open Street Maps (sic) is not only used as background nor for navigation
- it brought together 60 people. I do hope they will somehow continue
to contribute to OSM and/or Wikidata
- It gave OSM and Wikidata some publicity

As for the criticism on participating in an event that tries to gather
data on gender inequality in street names.
I do not see any political statement in that. After all, OSM and
Wikidata are very natural sources for such events, as, you might have
guessed it, are open data. If one makes a political statement with
that,  mapping bicycle parking could be seen as supporting anti-car
policies as well.

I assume mappers are often activists or at least passionate for
certain features, be it slow roads, airfields, AEDs, historical
buildings, power infrastructure etc. We are often open data and open
source activists as well.
Recently, on the tagging mailing list, you see requests for tags to
map free drinking water, free refills, object sharing, food sharing,
etc. All those are somehow driven by activism. Is that wrong? Not in
my opinion, it enriches the OSM project. If we would only try to mimic
Google Maps by focussing on navigation and shops (for advertising), we
could as well stop now.

So thank you for setting up the project and let's hope it will hellp
OSM grow further in the future.



On Tue, Mar 3, 2020 at 12:39 PM Santens Seppe  wrote:

Hi all,

Today, #equalstreetnames was launched, something Open Knowledge / OSM Belgium 
(among others) can be very proud of if you ask me. The project combines OSM and 
Wikidata (+ extra data crowdsourced during a workshop) to make this map: (stunning isn’t it?). More info on why an 
how can be found in this blogpost:

The project already got some nice media coverage, e.g.

Of course, you can help spread the word, e.g. by sharing

Best regards,


Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] #equalstreetnames

2020-03-03 Thread Karel Adams


In zoverre ga ik wel graag met u mee, en dat schreef ik eigenlijk ook al:

Het inzamelen van data doen we sowieso al, en bij het filteren en 
catalogeren van informatie zijn we graag van dienst. De interpretatie 
die daar dan aan gegeven wordt is politiek, maar dat gaat ons niet meer 
aan, inderdaad.

Alleen vraag ik me af hoe enige automatisatie ooit gaat kunnen uitmaken 
of "Guido Gezelleplein" of "Gezusters Lovelingplantsoen" of 
"Dendermondse Steenweg" of "Zemst-Laar" naar mannen of naar vrouwen 
verwijzen... Tenzij men een soort "dictionary" opzet die al even veel 
werk vereist als het manueel uitzoeken van iedere straatnaam.,


On 2020-03-03 19:30, Marc Gemis wrote:

Hello Seppe

thanks a lot for sharing this information.
I do like the project (despite my comments on obtaining the data
before the start) because:

- it uses my 2 favourite crowd-sourced open data projects
- it really requires both projects to create the map
- Open Street Maps (sic) is not only used as background nor for navigation
- it brought together 60 people. I do hope they will somehow continue
to contribute to OSM and/or Wikidata
- It gave OSM and Wikidata some publicity

As for the criticism on participating in an event that tries to gather
data on gender inequality in street names.
I do not see any political statement in that. After all, OSM and
Wikidata are very natural sources for such events, as, you might have
guessed it, are open data. If one makes a political statement with
that,  mapping bicycle parking could be seen as supporting anti-car
policies as well.

I assume mappers are often activists or at least passionate for
certain features, be it slow roads, airfields, AEDs, historical
buildings, power infrastructure etc. We are often open data and open
source activists as well.
Recently, on the tagging mailing list, you see requests for tags to
map free drinking water, free refills, object sharing, food sharing,
etc. All those are somehow driven by activism. Is that wrong? Not in
my opinion, it enriches the OSM project. If we would only try to mimic
Google Maps by focussing on navigation and shops (for advertising), we
could as well stop now.

So thank you for setting up the project and let's hope it will hellp
OSM grow further in the future.



On Tue, Mar 3, 2020 at 12:39 PM Santens Seppe  wrote:

Hi all,

Today, #equalstreetnames was launched, something Open Knowledge / OSM Belgium 
(among others) can be very proud of if you ask me. The project combines OSM and 
Wikidata (+ extra data crowdsourced during a workshop) to make this map: (stunning isn’t it?). More info on why an 
how can be found in this blogpost:

The project already got some nice media coverage, e.g.

Of course, you can help spread the word, e.g. by sharing

Best regards,


Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] #equalstreetnames

2020-03-03 Thread Marc Gemis
Hello Seppe

thanks a lot for sharing this information.
I do like the project (despite my comments on obtaining the data
before the start) because:

- it uses my 2 favourite crowd-sourced open data projects
- it really requires both projects to create the map
- Open Street Maps (sic) is not only used as background nor for navigation
- it brought together 60 people. I do hope they will somehow continue
to contribute to OSM and/or Wikidata
- It gave OSM and Wikidata some publicity

As for the criticism on participating in an event that tries to gather
data on gender inequality in street names.
I do not see any political statement in that. After all, OSM and
Wikidata are very natural sources for such events, as, you might have
guessed it, are open data. If one makes a political statement with
that,  mapping bicycle parking could be seen as supporting anti-car
policies as well.

I assume mappers are often activists or at least passionate for
certain features, be it slow roads, airfields, AEDs, historical
buildings, power infrastructure etc. We are often open data and open
source activists as well.
Recently, on the tagging mailing list, you see requests for tags to
map free drinking water, free refills, object sharing, food sharing,
etc. All those are somehow driven by activism. Is that wrong? Not in
my opinion, it enriches the OSM project. If we would only try to mimic
Google Maps by focussing on navigation and shops (for advertising), we
could as well stop now.

So thank you for setting up the project and let's hope it will hellp
OSM grow further in the future.



On Tue, Mar 3, 2020 at 12:39 PM Santens Seppe  wrote:
> Hi all,
> Today, #equalstreetnames was launched, something Open Knowledge / OSM Belgium 
> (among others) can be very proud of if you ask me. The project combines OSM 
> and Wikidata (+ extra data crowdsourced during a workshop) to make this map: 
> (stunning isn’t it?). More info on why an 
> how can be found in this blogpost: 
> The project already got some nice media coverage, e.g. 
>  and 
> Of course, you can help spread the word, e.g. by sharing
> Best regards,
> Seppe
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] #equalstreetnames

2020-03-03 Thread Karel Adams

Seppe, en collega-mappers,

Neem me mijn scepsis niet kwalijk, maar ik vraag me toch af we hier als 
mappers wel aan de kar moeten trekken. Voorzover ik zie is het onze taak 
om onze database te onderhouden, en aan te passen aan de permanente 
stroom van wijzigende informatie; en om uit te kijken naar mechanismes 
om de kwaliteit van ons aanbod te verbeteren, en om de kwantiteit uit te 

We kunnen en willen uiteraard graag ten dienste staan van eenieder die 
onze database wil raadplegen! Bv. voor het opzetten van 
Overpass-queries. Maar ik word een beetje schuw bij het entoesiasme voor 
een dergelijke "politiek correcte" actie. Naar mijn (niet altijd even 
bescheiden) mening is het de essentie van OSM om de feiten en de 
werkelijkheid op te volgen, niet om ze aan te sturen.

Van op afstand bekeken, eventjes ruimer dan OSM: straten werden en 
worden (soms) vernoemd naar beroemde personen, en het is een historisch 
gegeven dat beroemde personen overwegend mannelijk zijn. Men kan dat 
betreuren, maar het is niet anders. Er is terzake een inhaalbeweging aan 
de gang, dat werd wel tijd, en mettertijd zal zich dat automatisch ook 
weerspiegelen in de straatnamen. Als we al wel willen zo'n namen 
invoeren, ik vind dat eigenlijk maar een 19de-eeuwse mode; misschien 
kunnen we ze beter helemaal afvoeren. Maar als het dan toch aan de orde 
is, dan wil ik graag aan de vroede moederen en vaderen van de stad 
Mechelen voorstellen om een straat te vernoemen naar mevrouw Adèle Colson.

(English version, freely translated, for the sake of continuity - but 
reactions in any Belgian language much preferred, for the sake of Belgium!)

Seppe, and all,

Excuse my scepticism, but I am unsure if this is a project where we, the 
OSM mappers, should be on the forefront of action. Our vocation, as I 
see it, is to keep our database up to date, adapting to the permanent 
stream of change. And of course we should, and do, find novel ways to 
improve the database, both in quantity and in quality.

We are of course gladly available to assist anybody in consulting our 
database; through Overpass queries, for only one example. I am however 
wary of our involvement in actions "politically correct" like this one 
seems to be; I much prefer we limit ourselves to following facts, and 
their endless changes; we should not seek to steer them.

My 0.02 € :)


On 2020-03-03 11:37, Santens Seppe wrote:

Hi all,

Today, #equalstreetnames was launched, something Open Knowledge / OSM 
Belgium (among others) can be very proud of if you ask me. The project 
combines OSM and Wikidata (+ extra data crowdsourced during a 
workshop) to make this map: 
(stunning isn’t it?). More info on why an how can be found in this 

The project already got some nice media coverage, e.g. 

Of course, you can help spread the word, e.g. by sharing

Best regards,


Talk-be mailing list
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] #equalstreetnames

2020-03-03 Thread Santens Seppe
Hi all,

Today, #equalstreetnames was launched, something Open Knowledge / OSM Belgium 
(among others) can be very proud of if you ask me. The project combines OSM and 
Wikidata (+ extra data crowdsourced during a workshop) to make this map: (stunning isn't it?). More info on why an 
how can be found in this blogpost:

The project already got some nice media coverage, e.g.

Of course, you can help spread the word, e.g. by sharing

Best regards,


Talk-be mailing list