Re: [Talk-br] Mapping Brasilia on Sunday afternoon

2012-04-17 Por tôpico Fabricio Zuardi
(desculpem o crosspost, mas é um followup desta thread que envolveu as duas listas/comunidades) I have uploaded the gps trace of the walk on Cruzeiro Velho here: And the geotagged photos here(CC-BY 2.0):

[Talk-br] Mapping Brasilia on Sunday afternoon

2012-04-12 Por tôpico Alex Barth
(posted similar message to thackday list) As we're heading to Brasilia for the OGP meetings next week we'll kick in a Sunday afternoon of OpenStreetMap mapping work. We'll get a car (or more) and have some street name + point of interest collection fun. If you're interested, we'd love if you