On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 7:28 AM, Bégin, Daniel
<daniel.be...@rncan-nrcan.gc.ca> wrote:
> Bonjour Tyler,
> Considering the way Canvec/GeoBase product are created, I'm curious to know 
> where you found objects that were named in GeoBase and not in Canvec. Could 
> you send me some examples please :-)

Sure, a good example I ran into recently is in tile 062O12.1.osm;
Mossy River is not separated from Lake Dauphin, and is not itself
named.  However, looking at the source Geobase NHN data, I noticed
that it's not classified as a river, nor is it separated from the lake
or named.  I guess looking at the combined overlaid data in the
Geobase viewer I got the illusion it was.

Okay, good to know then.  I'm not going to bother trying to re-invent
the wheel.  What I will do, however, is work on a means of merging the
multipolygons that span tiles in the Canvec data in addition to my
automated import method.


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