Dear All,

The monthly meeting of Toronto area OpenStreetMap Enthusiasts (Mappy Hour)
is always a laugh-riot of Open Data Goodness, Geo Expertise and baseless
but entertaining rumours.  Come and join the fun.

In addition to the usual ad-hoc discussion and extensive question and
answer period, this month we've added a formal presentation!

How to use OpenStreetMap Data

The presentation will cover the very basics of how to use OpenStreetMap
data from

- What is it?
- What can I do with it?
- How do I go about that effectively?
- What are the cool kids doing with this data?

The presentation is brief and aimed at all audiences, technical and
non-technical, with an interest in learning more about OpenStreetMap data.
The goal is to cover some of the common questions, dispel some of the
common misunderstandings, and provide a solid base for your follow up
questions and discussion afterwards.

Who: You!
Why: You love data and maps.
When: Monday, 13 May 2013.  6:30 pm
Where: C'est What, 67 Front Street East, near Church

Please RSVP by email off-list, or RSVP via the meetup page

Apologies to those of you who are not near enough to Toronto to attend.
Please consider passing this invitation along to your friends and
colleagues that might not be on this list, and who might be interested in
attending.  Mappy Hour is always receptive to OpenStreetMap newcomers.
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