Hi all,

Two weeks ago we had discutions about diversity in OSM with Pierre Choffet
from Montreal.
Yes, this subject feeds lots of discutions within the french community, on
talk-fr for instance.

Pierre, est-ce que l'on met sur la table l'élaboration d'un bref document
en français?
On pourrait aussi en discuter lors de la prochaine rencontre OSM-MTL :-)

Le 2014-10-08 12:08, "Richard Weait" <rich...@weait.com> a écrit :

> Hi all,
> There have been recent discussions on several OpenStreetMap lists[1]
> about community diversity, in one form or another.  I recommend that
> you take a scan through those discussions. As a gross
> over-simplification, "The OpenStreetMap community is mainly male.
> Women and other demographic groups are not well represented. Increased
> diversity will be beneficial to OpenStreetMap.  Let us each take
> concrete steps to make OpenStreetMap more diverse."
> The Toronto event organizing team, Steve, Stewart and I, have taken
> one step towards improved diversity, by adding an anti-harassment
> statement[2] that applies to OpenStreetMap events that we organize.
> The statement is included in upcoming event announcements as well as
> the information page linked below.  For Toronto OpenStreetMap
> Enthusiasts, that means that this applies to OpenStreetMap Mappy Hour
> and other events, as well as #maptimeTO #maptime events.
> Our goal has always been to attend[3] fun events where we can learn,
> and share, about OpenStreetMap with other interested parties.
> Everybody with an interest in OpenStreetMap should be able to attend
> and participate to the best of their ability and without
> discrimination.
> My questions to you, the wider Canadian audience, are as follows:
> 1) Will you help to draft a similar statement en français for this list?
> 2) How you addressing diversity / inclusion in your local groups?
> 3) What shall we implement now?
> 4) What will we work towards in the near future?
> And as always, if you haven't attended an OpenStreetMap event to meet
> with other mappers, you should do that!  We're fun!  And talking about
> our shared interest in OpenStreetMap is fun and informative.
> Best regards,
> Richard
> [1] see talk@, osmf-talk@ and diversity-talk@ for background.
> [2]
> http://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Toronto/pages/Anti-harassment_statement
> [3] even if we have to organize them ourselves :-)
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