Hello all,

As you know Open Mapping Group McGill (OMG McGill) organized one of the
mapathons last week for the town of Williams Lake, BC. For the turnout
please turn to Julia's website published earlier today on the list.

As a mentor of the group I might be the 'director' of this event
according to the proposed policy by the OSMF board. In this role, I want
to assure you that we tried to do our best to teach new mappers how to
do their job properly, as Charles stated on this list yesterday. And
judging from a preliminary analysis of the data I conducted with the
overpass api, the participants did a pretty good job.

Of course, the data needs validation, which we will conduct in the next
couple of days. However, I do not see the rush proposed on this list
earlier. Ideally, validation would happen right after the mapping event
(as set out in this manual for HOT tasks [1]). In the real world, we all
have our jobs, families and other voluntary engagements, that sometimes
do not allow to act accordingly. I further think it is not even
necessary for tasks that are not related to immediate disaster response
or include ways tagged with a highway tag (in the later case it might
confuse navigation apps if not validated right away). In many cases,
validation, or better, correction of data entered by individual mappers
(not part of group events) was (and still is) done many days or even
months after the data was entered, depending on whether an experienced
mapper has an eye on a certain region or not. With regards to buildings
in areas where there existed no respective data before, I do not see any
need for rushing.

The important thing is that the organiser of a group event makes sure
that the data entered by participants of the event *is* validated to
ensure data quality. And we will. To this end, I appreciate that
long-term members already offered to help us there (thank you, Charles!).

I still consider mapathons a legitimate way to draw attention to OSM, to
advocate for open data, and to show the potential of OSM data and the
lack thereof in many parts of the world, including Canada. From the
experience of our first mapathon I got the impression that we instigated
a vast interest in open mapping (which, I think, is a valid goal on its
own right) and I expect quite a couple of returning participants to our
next events, in which we will train them further on the complexities to
produce good OSM data. By continuing, we might be able to motivate one
or two persons to turn into long-term mappers; this is, by the way,
totally in line with the long-tail phenomenon researchers found in all
crowd-sourcing projects.
All those reasons I mentionend, are, I think, worth it continuing doing
what we did. I would appreciate, if the attitude towards group mapping
events were less hostile on this list and on OSM as such (I am aware of
less fortunate attempts conducting group mapping events recently; but
try not blame them, but give them a hand to do it better next time - and
I know you did, but some of them apparently did not understand how
communication works in OSM). Try to give them the benefit of the doubt:
most mappers, even in group event, do this voluntarily and because they
want to enjoy extend this great geodatabase!

IMHO, OSM cannot do without those events, because we do not want to
leave the future of OSM only to businesses and their paid mappers (and
we have seen that in some countries, including Canada, there might not
be enough people who find their way to OSM without those events).



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