Re: [Talk-ca] Importing buildings in Canada

2020-01-19 Thread Daniel @jfd553
Bonjour groupe! Well, I think we are having a good discussion and are moving towards an import procedure with which everyone will be comfortable. First, I have modified the wiki to reflect our latest discussion [1-3]. The import procedure seems to fit with current discussion. Please, have a

[Talk-ca] hebdoOSM Nº 495 2020-01-07-2020-01-13

2020-01-19 Thread theweekly . osm
Bonjour, Le résumé hebdomadaire n° 495 de l'actualité OpenStreetMap vient de paraître *en français*. Un condensé à retrouver sur : Bonne lecture ! Saviez-vous que vous pouvez vous aussi soumettre des messages pour la note hebdomadaire sans être

[Talk-ca] weeklyOSM #495 2020-01-07-2020-01-13

2020-01-19 Thread weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 495, is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of a lot of things happening in the openstreetmap world: Enjoy! Did you know that you can also submit messages for the weeklyOSM? Just log