On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 2:25 PM, Pierre Béland <infosbelas-...@yahoo.fr> wrote:
> Following a public consultation on the web, the deputy Jean-François
> Gautrin, parlementary leader of Government of Québec, has published, today,
> the report Gouverner ensemble.
> see
> http://www.mce.gouv.qc.ca/publications/rapport-gautrin-web-2-2012-03-06.pdf
> This report proposes that the government becomes open, transparent,
> participative and collaborative.
> The first recommendation  proposes that the government of Québec gradually
> places data on a unique site with open format. [ ... ]

I think that this is very good news for Québec.  I could be mistaken,
but I think that Québec was one jurisdiction that resisted giving data
to Natural Resources Canada?  If I am remembering that correctly, then
this move towards open is a substantial and positive change.

I also note that the report suggests using the UK OpenGov license,
rather than anything derived from the disastrous Vancouver license.  I
hope that we can finally draw a line under those dark ages now.
Perhaps we now finally have an answer to the question,

"How disastrous was the Vancouver data license?"

"Three years.  The Vancouver data license set Open Data in Canada back
by three years."

And good job, Québec.

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