They arn't,
Its just we (as in the OpenStreetMap community) want to ensure that
all decisions that get made, are done done so with the best interest
of the community.
And of course, it will. :-) (even with more CM staff on board .... As
thats great to have)

So having representatives who are working on all the other major
projects (itoworld, marble desktop, kosmos, josm, openlayers,
openarialmap, open-manyother-maps, walking papers) should all get
focus too. And good representation, now that OSM is maturing and
experiencing 'growing pains'. :-)

Since OSMF is an international organization,
we want to make sure that decisions arn't a single company, but always
with the best interest of the 'spirit of OSM'.

So im working on 'blind-faith' that everyone who wants to be a board
member does so, because they want to keep the 'spirit of OSM' alive.

Anyway, I noticed the post about a 'community non-profit company' on
the diary board (or  something like that) so its worth exploring

Thats all for now,


On 8/19/09, Matthias Versen <> wrote:
> Richard Weait wrote:
>> The Foundation board should have no more than one candidate from each
>> company in my opinion.
> Unbelievable !
> Sorry but why is Cloudmade trying to corrupt the free and open
> Openstreetmap with such actions ?
> Shame on you !
> Matthias
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