Hi Richard,

GeoThink is a research project (over 5 years) on open geospatial data in Canada under the direction of Dr. Renée Sieber (McGill U).

The issue of licenses for the use of data AND contenst is definitely not currently resolved, not only in Canada but around the world. On the other hand, Clipol CIPPIC tool is an excellent tool for government and private can advance open licenses.

I suggested to Kent Mewhort improve Clipol to indicate the points that are losing the quality of open licensing so that litigation can refer.

Licenses types supported by OFKN are:
ODbL (eg used by OSM to its database);
CC-BY (OSM is more restrictive forthe tiles with CC-BY-SA);

Do you have any suggestions or contributions to advance open licenses to all levels of government to maturity?

Best Regards,


Dre Diane Mercier
Ph.D. Sciences de l'information

Ambassadrice de l'Open Knowledge Foundation - Groupe local au Canada
Blogue : http://ca.okfn.org
Twitter : @okfnca
Profil : http://okfn.org/members/dianemercier

Chargée de projet sur les données ouvertes de la Ville de Montréal
Blogue : http://dianemercier.com
LinkedIn : http://www.linkedin.com/in/dianemercier
Google+ : diane.merc...@gmail.com
Skype : dianemercier
Zotero : http://www.zotero.org/dmercier

« J'utilise une suite bureautique libre pour gérer les documents en formats ouverts (ODF) »

Le 2013-06-10 10:41, Richard Weait a écrit :
On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 9:47 AM, Diane Mercier <diane.merc...@gmail.com <mailto:diane.merc...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Bonjour Immanuel et les autres à Montréal,

    Il y a le 26 juin, une rencontre organisée conjointement et
    simultanément à Montréal (OKFN Meetup Montréal;
    et à Québec (Meetup GéoQuébec; http://www.meetup.com/quebec-geo/)
    sur le projet de recherche GéoThink qui utilise OSM.

Diane, you are involved in both OKFN and geoThink? What is geoThink doing to help repair the awful state of Canadian (government) Open Data? The proliferation of licenses, as seen on the geoThink site [1] and the mutual incompatibility of those licenses as seen at clipol [2] is poisonous to Open Data in Canada. Canadian governments must publish open data under ODC-PDDL. How will geoThink move towards this goal to repair (government) Open Data in Canada?

Open Data in Canada is dying, because governments are killing it. How is geoThink moving to fix this?

    Je peux aussi vous proposer, à titre d'ambassadrice
    (coordonnatrice) du OKFN, groupe local au Canada, de soutenir cet
    anniversaire à Montréal pour le volet curation.

    Qu'en dites-vous?

    Note : Je sais Meetup n'est pas une application libre, mais pour
    l'instant je n'ai pas trouvé d'alternative. Vos suggestions?

You might try GroupSpaces? The Fredericton OpenStreetMap group has used GroupSpaces in past. Perhaps the organizers will offer their thoughts. http://groupspaces.com/FredOSM

[1] http://geothink.ca/opendata/current-trends/#licenses
[2] http://clipol.org/tools/compatibility

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