I've gone and updated the imagery bounds and bboxes for both Potlatch 2 and
JOSM for the North American imagery sources. JOSM should now only suggest a
source if it actually covers the area.

Potlatch 2 will still suggest sources even if they don't cover the area
because potlatch 2 only supports bboxes, not polygons and the bbox for most
of the US sources looks like

I have also set up bc_mosaic, a source covering Greater Vancouver, Fraser
Valley, and the Sea 2 Sky corrider up to Pemberton. Both JOSM and PL2 should
suggest it. The source is the various sources listed on
http://imagery.paulnorman.ca/tiles/about.html combined into one layer. The
individual layers will be faster but not as convenient.

To update the layer information in JOSM use the reload button to the right
of the map on the Imagery Preferences tab of Preferences.

You may of course find that if you live right on the border that some
suggestions are not ideal but the error is now measured in hundreds of
meters, not hundreds of kilometers.

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