You should not proceed with this import.  The plan description on the wiki
has several show-stopper problems.  From a quick scan of the wiki:

- multiple users on one account.  Don't do that. :-) Each of your employees
who try to edit OpenStreetMap must have their own accounts.  Pro Tip: Have
them use their real names, and not something like "York Region GIS Team
#1"  We OpenStreetMap contributors are real live humans, not faceless
administrative drones, even if we play the role of faceless administrative
drone at work.

- parcels. Parcel data is contentious and problematic in OpenStreetMap.

- there are likely other problems.  This plan needs careful, expert review.

Have any of your employees contributed to OpenStreetMap outside of this
project?  If not, they may be in for a tough learning curve.  Importing
data is not for a newcomer.  You should have years of real OpenStreetMap
experience before attempting an import.

If the OpenStreetMap community takes an interest in the York Region data
they will convert, conflate, adapt, correct it, and then contribute it to
OpenStreetMap.  So you don't have to go crazy with your limited regional
budget.  The volunteers / experts will do it.

Do you have Open Data for building outlines?  Building outline data is
widely accepted in OpenStreetMap as being useful and worthwhile.  Building
outlines make a better home for address point data than a disembodied
point, or a parcel centroid / parcel outline.

Do you have newer and or higher resolution aerial imagery?
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