Hi all,

Here's an update, an attempt to grasp where where at.

Re: geobase as an extra 'data' option  in potlatch
OK i think 'splitting tiles' was refering to how we can take the .osm
files and split 'hexedecimal' 4/16 so it matches the same way geobase
does and examines each tile (i prefer to say square, to avoid
confusion) and asks the question 'is osm data in this square?' if so,
it can ask again, and isolate those osm covered tiles.

This would allow for 'filling in' all the empty space with geobase map features.

This way, the osm change 'match' program can be modified to check for
each feature, and add it.

Ps. Those sample files are pritty wild :@) so cool to see those roads in tofino.

And cool to see the provincial borders :-)
i dont see a need for it to be attached as 1 conected line. Having it
in individual ways would be fine (as long as is tagged right) but im
sure its still possable todo a tag change from using xapi of a planet
dump, only selecting that tag type. & source=geobase tag

hope at least some of this makes sence :)

Sam Vekemans
Across Canada Trails

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