Hi Talk-de,

First apologies for my email being in English. I do not yet speak
German. Feel free to translate.

I have had to blocked the tile scaping app "Mobile Atlas Creator" from
mass downloading tiles from tile.openstreetmap.org, it was causing an
undue strain on our limited resources and effecting the tiles being
served to mappers. The app allows downloading huge areas, including
heavily scaping of z17 and z18 tiles [1]. The app was responsible for
between 7% and 30% of our traffic. This morning ~236 tiles per second.

The app uses a faked User-Agent [2] and the block may effect some
mappers in Germany. Please let me know if any problems are observed.
Faking a User-Agents is absolutely unacceptable.

There has been some German discussion about this application:
(I have not yet read the thread)

1: Most high zoom tiles tend to be have never been viewed and require
rendering on demand. See
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tile_Disk_Usage for example viewing

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