FYI: voraussichtlich am 5.12 gibt es ein AGM (vgl. Mitglieder-Jahres-Hauptversammlung) der OSMF-Foundation. Diese wird "virtuell/online abgehalten". Dabei stehen auch 4 Mitglieder des Vorstands zur Neuwahl. Personen welche an der Wahl teilnehmen wollen, müssen 30 Tage vor der Wahl Mitglied sein => es ist also eine gute Gelegenheit jetzt Mitglied zu werden oder seine Mitgliedschaft zu erneuern.


-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff:        [OSM-talk] Membership deadline approaching for 2015 AGM
Datum:  Mon, 12 Oct 2015 05:58:34 +0200
Von:    Kathleen Danielson <>
An:     OpenStreetMap Talk Mailing List <>


This is an (unofficial) heads up that the 2015 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the OpenStreetMap Foundation will be held remotely on December 5th, 2015. At this meeting the membership of the Foundation will vote on the open seats for the Board, along with any other pressing business. An official announcement (including an agenda and voting items) for the upcoming AGM will be sent to members of the Foundation at least 28 days in advance of the meeting.

In order to be eligible to vote, all existing members must be paid up. Any new members must have joined the Foundation 30 days or more prior to the AGM [1]. This means that if you would like to be eligible to vote in the upcoming election, you need to have joined [2] by November 5th.

If your current membership has lapsed, you will have recently received an email notifying you of this. Remember to renew your membership if you would like to remain a member of the Foundation and be eligible to vote. If you are unsure of your membership status, send a note to <> asking about it.

Kind Regards,
Kathleen Danielson
Member, OpenStreetMap Foundation Board of Directors

[1] See Article 75. Right to Vote at General Meeting

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