Hi all,

There have been a number of changes made recently in the Slough / Reading area that probably need someone local to have a look at them (if this isn't already happening, of course).

Here's an example:

I'm not familiar enough with the area to say whether the previous name (Maidenhead By-Pass) was correct or was just a "name added because there was a box to fill in", but the changeset description "Changes to naming of M4 segements to avoid clutter" suggests that someone hasn't grasped the "OSM is about the data not just the 'standard' map as displayed on the OSM website" idea.

The changes are by a recently-returned mapper who made a few edits in 2009, and also include lots of new stuff that wasn't mapped before, such as (http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/203177105/history).

Ordinarily I'd get in touch myself but my familiarity with this area is mostly limited to getting into and out of Slough as painlessly as possible. If no-one more local is able to pick this up then I can, but I thought that I'd ask here first.


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