On 27/10/14 21:52, Tim Saunders wrote:
What would suit me is an Android app that allowed me to see what needs
to be fixed in a particular area, so that I could check some things out
if I had a spare half hour in the area…..so Notes, FixMes, Musical
Chairs, OSM Inspector and other GB specific stuff (e.g. post boxes,
cycle routes, land registry addresses as examples I recall being
discussed in this group).  Is there anywhere that these are all pulled
together, even in a non-mobile friendly way?  As OSM coverage improves,
I would suggest that there is more opportunity to fix things not mapped
correctly than map things not mapped at all (although in my experience
one leads to another anyway) and seeing something that is wrong is often
more of a spur to get involved than something that is missing altogether.

A danger with tools like this is that they encourage a certain sort of armchair mapping where people blindly fix things based on map notes without verifying them.

A very recent, topical, case is that Matthijs has added map notes for a lot of premises that he assumes are shops of a particular brand suggesting that they may need tagging in a particular way. This has completely negated the purpose of using the map notes, which was to avoid making changes to the actual map based on unverified assumptions.

In significant parts of the country it is now as though Matthijs had actually made those changes.

One, random, example, from one of the main armchair mappers involved is <https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/1693488257>. This is a change of shop type but they have also added shop=* when there was none there before.

In these cases a real survey may actually find that the shop has gone or been re-branded, as well as the possibility it isn't the well known brand, isn't a shop, or is an unusual shop for the brand.

[Posted only to talk-gb. Cross-posting mailing lists is usually a bad idea, because repliers aren't necessarily subscribed to all of them.]

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