Hi all,
I'm looking to import a database of trigpoint pillars of the UK into
OSM, since they're highly useful for countryside navigation.
I have sent a message to the trigonomy yahoo group who are the experts
on trigpoints.
The only issue is possible copyright on their sources.
Below is the reply I recieved from their list, I just need some
further clarification from OSM whether it would be possible to

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Graeme Paterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thomas Wood wrote:
  > Hi,
> I'm looking to import trigpoints into the OpenStreetMap.org project
> from the trigonomy database.
> However, to do this, the licensing and copyright status of the data
> must be determined. OSM can only accept data with a license that
> allows free redistribution and use.
> Since the trigonomy database is compiled from a large number of
> sources, this is a complex issue, can anyone comment on the copyright
> status of the data?

  Hi Thomas,

  Interesting question. The Main Trigonomy Database was originally
compiled by Jonathan (Jack) Russell, started in the later months of
2002 and completed early in 2003. I had taken over the updating of the
Trigonomy by July 2003, and continue maintain it to this day. The next
'edition' is already underway, in that I have done a "Save As" and
continued filling the pillar condition cells, mainly from Rob's latest
adventures in the far north.

  As far as copyright of the Trigonomy Database is concerned, I had
never even thought of it as being a copyright item in any way. I
upload an updated Database to Yahoo! group Trigonomy at least once a
year, and from there, all group members are free to download it onto
their own PCs if desired.

  Personally, I am perfectly happy for you to import anything
contained in the Trigonomy database into the
http://www.openstreetmap.org/ project. However, as the historic
information contained in the spreadsheet was originally property of
the Ordnance Survey, perhaps you should clear things with them to
satisfy OSM conditions. As the OS have now put their trig archive data
on the web, I cannot see there being any problems with what you plan
to achieve.

  Others on the Trigonomy Group may wish to comment on your enquiry -
hopefully supportively. I am thinking particularly those who have
contributed up to date information on trig pillars. Most of the major
contributors are listed alphabetically by their first names on the
back worksheet of the database, here they are :

  AC / TAC The Angry Corrie.
ACG      Aileen Gray [Coinea - TUK]
ALG      Alan Grove
AH / ARH Alistair Hare
AL       Alex Latham [Lathma - TUK]
  AMc      Alasdair MacNeill [Allymac - TUK]
anon     Other contributor(s) whose names are withheld.
AW       A Wainright [quoted in other sources]
BBH      Barry Hunter [Owner & Creator - Trigtools]
BD       Brian Deegan [Deego - TUK]
BeH      Bernie Hughes [agentmancuso - TUK]
BMJ      Barbara Jones [TAC contributor]
BTW      Brian Westlake (Brisey, TUK)
CB       Chris Bomington
CBR / BR Brian Russell [Trigonomy / RHB]
CPa      Colin Park  (Bridgeman - TUK)
DA       David Ackrill [Morseman - TUK]
DA       D Andrews
DB / DBu David Butterfield
DCB      David Bratt
DW / DWo Dave Woffenden [Manonabike - TUK]
GP / GRP Graeme Paterson [Clochandighter, TUK]
IB       Iain Bains
IC       Iain Cameron
IGR      Ian Richardson [Elsworth,TUK]
IH       Ian Harris [Teasel - (owner) TrigpointingUK]
IJ       Ian Jones [Stonestreaker - TUK]
IM / IRM Iain Macaulay  [Iainmac - TUK]
IP       Ian Peattie
JCT      John Talbot [Jochta TUK]
JD       Jon Davis
JR /JFER Jonathan (Jack) Russell [Trigonomy owner].
JWR      Jon Rouse [JWRouse - TUK]
LAW      Luke Winward [Lackofluke - TUK]
MJF      Michael Fisher
MP       M Phillips
MS       Mike Sutherland [Spidym - TUK]
PDR      Pete Roberts    [Rhayader_wanderer - TUK]
PP       Philip Powell [Fellwanderer - TUK]
PY       Paul Young [Pyoung1s - TrigpointingUK]
RB       Roy Beacham
RH / RHo Richard & Helen Horton. (Trigpointbears - TUK]
RN       Richard Neale (Asteroth - TrigpointingUK)
RS /RAHS Rod Sladen  [RoPeHe - TUK]
RW / RHW Rob Woodall [Sagina nivalis, TUK] 5000+ trig visits!!!
RJW      Richard Webb  [Fasgadh - TrigpointingUK]
SDL      Sue Littlewood [rhb/trigonomy contributor].
SW       Steve Weatherill [TAC contributor].
TA       Ted Allwood [Ted - TUK]
TL / TJL Trevor Littlewood
TR       Ted Richards  [Father Ted - TrigpointingUK]

  Plus many others, apologies to those missed from the list above.
Many of these folk have visited several hundred trig pillars, and some
are in four figures.

  I have had a look at http://www.openstreetmap.org/ and it is a very
interesting project. Very impressive, even names local pubs in my
area. It would be great to see trig pillars indicated. How do you plan
to show then? Symbol and height as usual, or symbol & FB number? I may
get involved myself one day, but unfortunately cannot spare any time
at the moment as I already have my finger in several other ongoing

  Depending on what particular trig details you are after, you might
find spreadsheet pillar07.xls has everything you require.
  Zipped xls is here:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/trigonomy/files/Data/. Note that the
full eastings & northings are more reliable than the 6 fig Gridrefs on
that spreadsheet. Also, I am very happy for you to use any other data
or material submitted to Trigonomy by "clochandighter" and "grp5015";
there are two of me :-)

  If there is a place for acknowledgement then great, but definitely
not essential if not, and please let me know of any mistakes which
show up when mapping from my data, this will allow me to make
corrections for subsequent uploads.

  Best wishes,

  Graeme Paterson
  (still not locked up yet)

Graeme Paterson

--- End forwarded message ---

Thomas Wood

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