Hi all,

I don't like asking people to sign up to yet another online service but I
think this *could* be really good.

TL;DR Please sign up to the following group to discuss how we can continue
to support the quarterly project:

=Full details=
I have set up a group on Loomio to focus on the quarterly project to map
schools. Loomio is a collaboration tool that puts a focus on making
decisions. In late 2015 I spent a considerable amount of time researching
collaboration and communication tools. This followed on from the results of
the UK OSM group survey [1] which showed that 45% of people wanted decision
making to be at the membership level for *all* decisions.

The question was "How do we deliver the ability for members to drive
decision making?" The basic option is to stick with talk-gb - this has got
us to where we are now but should we be looking elsewhere in order to
better connect with potential mappers/users?

My research [2] found that Loomio is up there with the best of the
alternate tools. It is open source and can be deployed on our own servers
(for now we use their hosting).

I would like to trial Loomio with the current quarterly project - schools.
I'm aware some people won't like the idea of moving away from talk-gb but
if you could give it a go that would be appreciated. The Loomio group is
public and you can set up your email alerts as you desire (similar to

Link to the group:


Talk-GB mailing list

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