
As you may now I was strongly considering closing down my Freemap (OSM site 
focusing on rights of way in England and Wales) site after years without having 
the time to update it.

However I did get one or two requests to keep it going, and I have found that 
with the situation of the last couple of months I've had a lot of time on my 
hands and have finally had the time to address many of its long-standing issues.

Consequently a hopefully improved version is now available, both at the 
original domain (free-map.org.uk) and also freemap.org.uk (no hyphen).

The main issues I've addressed have been:

  *   fixing multipolygon relations. This was actually trivial; with the 
toolchain I'm using (osmosis-osm2pgsql-postgis-own custom tileserver-kothic.js) 
it appears to 'just work'
  *   a wider range of rendering, in particular, urban landuse is shown as well 
as military areas, beaches, wetlands and scree.
  *   fixing some annoying tile boundary artefacts. The latest version of 
kothic.js appears to have fixed these.

What has helped a lot also, is moving it to a Hetzner machine with 16GB memory, 
16 times as much as my original server, and much more disc space, sharing the 
API and DB with my other projects (Hikar, OpenTrailView and MapThePaths). 
Trying to keep the site going on a 1GB VM was a nightmare at times.

The main other change though is that it is just a rendering rather than a 
full-blown application. I am intending to focus on the rendering; the other 
features such as walking-route sharing did not attract as much interest as I 
had hoped and consequently remain withdrawn.

Any suggestions for rendering improvements are welcome!


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