>> Corner coordinates are now displaying, allowing these to be aligned &
>> adjusted to fit. Have fun!
>Are the configuration files available already somewhere or is there a plan
>to make them available so users of the maps could just load the maps rather
>than having to align themselves with the given coordinates.
>I have just aligned about half a dozen of the maps using MAPC2MAPC and the
>coordinates posted but it's a long job to do the whole 200 files. Happy to
>post the files somewhere of the ones I have done.

Hi Steven,

I've never heard of MAPC2MAPC but it looks great. I posted a comment [1] on
the talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list noting that there are KMZ/KML files
available on British Library website that include the corner coordinates.
It appears that MAPC2MAPC should be able to read these, and then assuming
the z/x/y.png output in the OSMTracker is standard TMS this would be
exactly what we need to host these online as a map layer (just like Bing or
any of the other OS out of copyright maps).

Hope this helps. Do you think we can get these hosted on


p.s. Is there a Linux equivalent of MAPC2MAPC?

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