On 24 March 2015 at 08:44, Mark Croft <mark.croft....@gmail.com> wrote:

[ I accidentally replied to Mark, not to the mailing list (apologies,
Mark), so am reposting my reply, and part of his response, below]

> The main goal at the moment is try to get a record of all the drop
> kerbs in a small area around kidderminster maybe other parts of
> worcestershire depending on the volunteers we got at the moment.

How are you tagging them? Can you link to some examples, please, and
is there a page on the wiki about the tag?

> Would anyone else like to get involved with this project?

I'll help where I can.

This could be one of our quarterly projects.


Mark then replied to the effect that he needs advice on the best way
to tag dropped kerbs, and with a link to:


but I also note:


Mark also suggests asking Worcestershire County Council for their
data; and I agree that this would be a good move.

Andy Mabbett

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