Hi everyone

This week's work has resulted in the following:

1.Removed all bus stop nodes from highways to side of way. These were
mainly in NW of the region. I might not have got the correct side in every
case, but this will be corrected by a later automated edit
2.TfWM's location data is not quite as accurate as we hoped so we haven't
proceeded. We used QGIS to compare the two sets of data on aerial imagery-
where it's  out, it's out by no more than 2-3m. Is there a way of comparing
the  2 sets of data on an OSM dev server somewhere (or other visualisation
service) for the  online community review to see if it's worth proceeding?
Is a better way to quantify this with a proximity script? Anyone know how
to use one? The default is just to accept our current location data.
3.As part of our learning curve, we discovered that we need to export turbo
overpass data as OSM-XML
4. The dataset we have now, ready for upload includes up-to-date route_ref
data for all stops which will be a huge improvement
5. Solihull data has been improved by selecting all naptan stops in OSM
that aren't marked CUS and adding highway=bus_stop tags. We'll have to live
with any of these tags from the 8 year old naptan data not representig
existing stops until we can run an automated edit that selects all the
deleted stops from TfWM's data and deletes  the bus_stop tags. Take a look;
any comments welcome
6. We're using the changeset  description #wmca_naptan_refresh
7. We'll cleanup the Swift Collector data manually  once we've
cross-correlated shelter data to bus stop data as there are only 112 nodes


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