Hi guys, I told some of you of this event but let's make it official...

Last NistaSeNeceDogoditi [1] of the year will be taking place in usual
place, in Moravice [2], it is not far from Ljubljana...

You all are invited to be here at 2012 judgement day ;) From 21. till 23 of
December and if we all live through this you will definitely have something
to talk about...

NSND is meeting of hackers from all over ex-yu, event in Moravice is more
local, but still few "international" guests usually arrive.

Accomodation is completely free, and food is organized and usually very

Accomodation is reserved on first-come-first-served basis so please confirm
in NSND mailing [3] list that you are coming. You can bring anybody with
you, girlfriend, friends... no problem.

This would be great place to spread information about wlan-slovenia,
nodewatcher and everything else related to this wifi project.

Cheers, Valent.

[1] http://www.nsnd.org/
[2] http://www.openstreetmap.org/? mlat=45.42646&mlon=15.008832&zoom=16
[3] https://groups.google.com/group/nistasenecedogoditi
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