[Talk-TW] weeklyOSM #527 2020-08-11-2020-08-17

2020-08-30 Thread weeklyteam
台灣社群朋友好: 每週 OSM 新聞匯集文摘,# 527 期,如今已經發佈台灣華語版本,涵蓋開放街圖世界的大小事情! https://www.weeklyosm.eu/zh/archives/13612/ 歡迎閱讀! 你知道你能提供消息給 weeklyOSM 小組嗎?只要用 OSM 帳號登入 https://osmbc.openstreetmap.de/login 就可以了。關於怎麼撰寫的方式請參閱:http://www.weeklyosm.eu/this-news-should-be-in-weeklyosm weeklyOSM?

[Talk-de] weeklyOSM #527 2020-08-11-2020-08-17

2020-08-30 Thread weeklyteam
Die Wochennotiz Ausgabe Nr. # 527, ist nun verfügbar - wie immer mit vielen Nachrichten aus dem OSM-Universium: https://www.weeklyosm.eu/de/archives/13612/ Viel Spaß beim Lesen. Euer Wochennotizteam Wusstet ihr, dass ihr auch selbst Meldungen für die Wochennotiz einreichen könnt? Einfach

[Talk-ca] weeklyOSM #527 2020-08-11-2020-08-17

2020-08-30 Thread weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 527, is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of a lot of things happening in the openstreetmap world: https://www.weeklyosm.eu/en/archives/13612/ Enjoy! Did you know that you can also submit messages for the weeklyOSM? Just log

[Talk-it] weeklyOSM #527 2020-08-11-2020-08-17

2020-08-30 Thread weeklyteam
Il settimanale di notizie su OSM, numero # 527, è ora disponibile online in italiano, fornendo come sempre un riassunto di molte cose che accadono nel mondo OpenStreetMap: https://www.weeklyosm.eu/it/archives/13612/ Buona lettura! Sai che possono anche inviare messaggi per il weeklyOSM?

[Talk-us] weeklyOSM #527 2020-08-11-2020-08-17

2020-08-30 Thread weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 527, is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of a lot of things happening in the openstreetmap world: https://www.weeklyosm.eu/en/archives/13612/ Enjoy! Did you know that you can also submit messages for the weeklyOSM? Just log

[Talk-in] weeklyOSM #527 2020-08-11-2020-08-17

2020-08-30 Thread weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 527, is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of a lot of things happening in the openstreetmap world: https://www.weeklyosm.eu/en/archives/13612/ Enjoy! Did you know that you can also submit messages for the weeklyOSM? Just log

[Talk-GB] weeklyOSM #527 2020-08-11-2020-08-17

2020-08-30 Thread weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 527, is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of a lot of things happening in the openstreetmap world: https://www.weeklyosm.eu/en/archives/13612/ Enjoy! Did you know that you can also submit messages for the weeklyOSM? Just log

[OSM-talk-ie] weeklyOSM #527 2020-08-11-2020-08-17

2020-08-30 Thread weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 527, is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of a lot of things happening in the openstreetmap world: https://www.weeklyosm.eu/en/archives/13612/ Enjoy! Did you know that you can also submit messages for the weeklyOSM? Just log

[talk-ph] weeklyOSM #527 2020-08-11-2020-08-17

2020-08-30 Thread weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 527, is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of a lot of things happening in the openstreetmap world: https://www.weeklyosm.eu/en/archives/13612/ Enjoy! Did you know that you can also submit messages for the weeklyOSM? Just log

[Talk-africa] weeklyOSM #527 2020-08-11-2020-08-17

2020-08-30 Thread weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 527, is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of a lot of things happening in the openstreetmap world: https://www.weeklyosm.eu/en/archives/13612/ Enjoy! Did you know that you can also submit messages for the weeklyOSM? Just log