Hi Alex,

Having personally seen Addis Ababa changing so much between 2007 and 2019,
I think that sounds like a good strategy.

Regarding crowdsourced importing tools, HOTOSM tasking manager coupled to
the OSMSharp service developed by Ben Abelshausen (and recently added to
HOTOSM) works well for reviewing multiple objects within a bbox. It easily
loads the objects for review in a separate layer. Alternatively, for
checking one object at a time, MapRoulette is a great option.


On Sat, May 7, 2022 at 1:09 PM Alex (AddisMap.com) <a...@addismap.com>

> Hi,
> I have been in touch with Binyam of the Ethiopian OSM Community on th
> OpenStreetMap Ethiopia Telegram group and a short call.
> > the gathered datasets between 2010-2016 are considered valuable. even
> though,  it is not that recent
> > I also noticed some points overlapping with the existing features. Maybe
> as you said checking the data on a small aerial to get and idea of how many
> percent still could be valid is a good idea.
> So we will basically try to go ahead with this import, in cooperation
> with the local community.
> The next step will be to evaluate which percentage of the points in
> some sample areas are still existing and how many overlaps are there.
> Then we will decide on how to go forward.
> In the meantime I am wondering if there are any existing tools / apps
> / workflows to verify this data and import the verified data to OSM.
> We are thinking about using the HOTOSM Tasking manager to subdivide
> the area and then check on the ground. We are not sure yet how apps
> like Vespucci can be used here to make this most efficient.
> Kind Regards,
> Alexander
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