[talk-ph] The navigation system in our brains

2011-07-02 Per discussione Eugene Alvin Villar
Hi guys,

Here's an interesting article from 2009 showing how our brains help us
to navigate the world and why there are people who can get so
hopelessly lost.


I guess most of us in the list have a natural talent for spatial
navigation (instead of cue-stimulus-based navigation)? :-)

talk-ph mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] license change effect on un-tagged nodes

2011-07-02 Per discussione Frederik Ramm


   suppose there's a node that has been created by user A with no tags 
on it. Suppose the node has later been moved by user B. A has not 
accepted the CT, while B has.

Will the node have to be removed when we go to phase 5 of the license 

You could say: yes, because version 2 is clearly a derived work of 
version 1.

You could also say: no, because the information added in version 2 
(new coordinates) overwrites all information that was there from version 
1, so there is nothing left to be protected.



Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] license change effect on un-tagged nodes

2011-07-02 Per discussione John Smith
On 3 July 2011 02:15, Frederik Ramm frede...@remote.org wrote:

   suppose there's a node that has been created by user A with no tags on it.
 Suppose the node has later been moved by user B. A has not accepted the CT,
 while B has.

 Will the node have to be removed when we go to phase 5 of the license

 You could say: yes, because version 2 is clearly a derived work of version

 You could also say: no, because the information added in version 2 (new
 coordinates) overwrites all information that was there from version 1, so
 there is nothing left to be protected.


I'm guessing, but I feel your simple example above would only hold
true for unattached nodes.

legal-talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Czech republic not in Europe?

2011-07-02 Per discussione Jakub
According to this reation: 
http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/7888 Czech republic (and 
many more countres) is not in Europe. Or am I missing something?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Czech republic not in Europe?

2011-07-02 Per discussione Paul Houle

 On 7/2/2011 9:00 AM, Jakub wrote:
According to this reation: 
http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/7888 Czech republic (and 
many more countres) is not in Europe. Or am I missing something?

I don't see Germany or France either!

I tried to build a geospatial hierarchy out of OSM about a year ago 
and gave up on it because the quality of data wasn't good.  I ended up 
using Yahoo's GeoPlanet because at least it was (sorta) consistent,  
even if the shapes look terrible.

For instance,  one problem is that there's no constraint that 
forces country outlines to be closed.  For instance,  the boundary of 
South Africa contained only the coastline.  This kind of problem 
persists in OSM because OSM's quality control mechanism is feedback 
that come from users who are interested in maps.  If you're just drawing 
maps,  the boundaries of the countries to the north of South Africa will 
cause the boundary to be properly drawn.  Nobody sees or cares that 
there's something wrong.

On the other hand,  if you're interested in doing spatial reasoning 
(Is point A inside South Africa?) the non-closed country boundary is 
absolutely useless.

I guess the answer is somebody who wants good data in this 
department ought to fix it,  but it's a big job,  and since GeoPlanet is 
good enough for now,  I haven't been motivated to try to do anything 
about it.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Czech republic not in Europe?

2011-07-02 Per discussione Ed Loach
I would be tempted to say that what you/OSM really want(s) is a
European boundary relation rather than a Europe relation containing
all the European country relations, which seems to fall under the
Relations are not categories[1] abuse of relations.


[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Relations_are_not_categories

 -Original Message-
 From: Jakub [mailto:j...@kub.cz]
 Sent: 02 July 2011 14:00
 To: talk@openstreetmap.org
 Subject: [OSM-talk] Czech republic not in Europe?
 According to this reation:
 http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/7888 Czech
 republic (and
 many more countres) is not in Europe. Or am I missing something?
 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Czech republic not in Europe?

2011-07-02 Per discussione Frederik Ramm


Jakub wrote:
According to this reation: 
http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/7888 Czech republic (and 
many more countres) is not in Europe. Or am I missing something?

Fixed that for you:

(And +1 to Ed.)


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] highway=axis

2011-07-02 Per discussione Schlauchboot

Frederik Ramm wrote:
 Der Plan ist, dass man langfristig eine Bruecke nicht als Eigenschaft 
 einer Strasse erfasst, wie wir das im Moment tun, sondern als eigenes 

Klingt gut. Mir gehen nämlich die selbst bei fehlender baulicher Trennung
zunehmend als separate highways kartierten Radwege eben wegen der
Brückenproblematik langsam auf den Senkel...

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Germany mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] was ist map2go ?

2011-07-02 Per discussione Jan Tappenbeck

 hi !

habe gerade den Link http://www.map2go.org/maps/ gefunden - kann mir 
einer sagen was das ist oder dahinter steckt ??

Ich finde kein Impressium und sonstigen Texte !!

Gruß Jan :-)

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-it] Help-Installazione Josm in Ubuntu

2011-07-02 Per discussione Orlandi_IT_EmiliaRomagna
Ciao, ogni tanto uso Ubuntu, ma non sono molto pratico e non ho ancora capito
come si fanno ad installare i programmi quando sono dei file in un archivio,
ad esempio Josm, che mi si apre con il gestore archivi quando lo scarico..
come faccio (anche da terminale se è più comodo) ad installarlo?? mi
riuscite a dare una serie di istruzioni da seguire? 
Grazie in anticipo Ciao..

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Help-Installazione Josm in Ubuntu

2011-07-02 Per discussione emmexx
Il 07/02/2011 02:15 PM, Orlandi_IT_EmiliaRomagna scrisse:
 Ciao, ogni tanto uso Ubuntu, ma non sono molto pratico e non ho ancora capito
 come si fanno ad installare i programmi quando sono dei file in un archivio,
 ad esempio Josm, che mi si apre con il gestore archivi quando lo scarico..
 come faccio (anche da terminale se è più comodo) ad installarlo?? mi
 riuscite a dare una serie di istruzioni da seguire? 

Non c'e' bisogno di installarlo (in generale).

Da linea di comando:

java -jar nomefilejosm



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Help-Installazione Josm in Ubuntu

2011-07-02 Per discussione Luciano Montanaro
2011/7/2 Orlandi_IT_EmiliaRomagna luca_orla...@hotmail.it:
 Ciao, ogni tanto uso Ubuntu, ma non sono molto pratico e non ho ancora capito
 come si fanno ad installare i programmi quando sono dei file in un archivio,
 ad esempio Josm, che mi si apre con il gestore archivi quando lo scarico..
 come faccio (anche da terminale se è più comodo) ad installarlo?? mi
 riuscite a dare una serie di istruzioni da seguire?
 Grazie in anticipo Ciao..

C'è già un pacchetto per josm. Magari non è proprio l'ultimo ma va bene.
E se lo installi dal gestore dei pacchetti ti installa automaticamente
anche java e tutto quello che serve...

Non ti so dare istruzioni precise se vuoi usare la GUI per installarlo...
ma da linea di comando basta un

sudo apt-get install josm


 View this message in context: 
 Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

 Talk-it mailing list

Luciano Montanaro

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on
no account be allowed to do the job. -- Douglas Adams

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Richiesta di ri-licenza dati alla Regione Veneto

2011-07-02 Per discussione Paolo Monegato

Il 30/06/2011 09:47, Alessandro Pozzato ha scritto:

In data domenica 22 maggio 2011 21:19:32, Maurizio Napolitano ha
/  Uff ...
//  Il documento gfoss.it e' pronto solo che e' ancora in attesa di
//  alcune firme importanti.
//  potete pazientare ancora un po'?

Novità su questo fronte?

E' arrivata la tanto sospirata firma?

Alessandro Pozzato

Non vorrei mettervi fretta ma da qualche settimana è obbligatoria 
l'accettazione dei nuovi CT (non si riesce più ad inserire dati se si 
rifiuta il passaggio di licenza, ma non avevano detto che si poteva 
continuare a contribuire per la mappa cc-by-sa?)...
Comunque, ora, come molti altri, ho anch'io alcuni changeset sospesi nel 
limbo (potrò mantenerli nella mappa futura? O dovrò eliminarli? Adesso 
che ho dovuto accettare i nuovi CT non mi va molto a genio tenere per 
molto tempo quei changeset che non li rispettano - ricalco e/o import di 
CTR autorizzata per CC-By-SA)...

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Qualcuno usa OSM!!!

2011-07-02 Per discussione Paolo Monegato

Il 01/07/2011 10:08, luca menini ha scritto:

Avete visto?

Software libero e OSM, una combinazione vincente ;-)

Ora un rinnovato impegno a migliorare la mappa :-)



Segnalo che da alcuni giorni anche sulla Wikipedia in italiano c'è un 
link Mappa (in alto a desta vicino alle coordinate) che apre la mappa 
di OSM...


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Richiesta di ri-licenza dati alla Regione Veneto

2011-07-02 Per discussione Maurizio Napolitano
 Novità su questo fronte?

 E' arrivata la tanto sospirata firma?

C'e' in corso una revisione del documento per permettere queste firme
Nel frattempo pero' mi sono adoperato per muovere la regione veneto, che
sembra che non abbiano problemi a risolvere la questione anche perche', al
momento, hanno in cantiere qualcosa.
Bisogna pero' fiatare sul collo ...
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-co] Otro Parque Nacional Natural: Tatamá, que se lo pretende robar la Minería

2011-07-02 Per discussione Humberto Yances

Estimados maperos:

Buenos días.  ¿Qué tácticas podemos sumar a la estrategia de apoyar a
las entidades que luchan por proteger el territorio y parques naturales
del fenómeno corrupto en la minería [0]?  El parque Tatamá está mapeado
con el trazado a 2007 [1], está interesante el tema [2].

Algunas ideas para ir conversando:

- Grupo de maperos enfocados en el tema ambiental;
- Subir a OSM los contratos mineros tal como en La Colosa (¿donde se
encuentran esos datos?);
- Divulgar por redes sociales;
- Alianzas con ONG defensoras del medio ambiente;
- Asesoría técnica en SIG's.

En Cartagena el POT mantiene en reserva los manglares; sin embargo desde
las fotos bing a dic. 2009 se evidencia la deforestación del manglar y
la construcción en esos terrenos [3].

Reciban un cordial saludo,

Humberto Yances

[1] http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=5.076lon=-76.073zoom=11layers=M

- Mensaje reenviado 
Asunto: Otro Parque Nacional Natural: Tatamá, que se lo pretende robar
la Minería

Y como nos duele que la indolencia y la prepotencia de la Burocracia
(con comerciantes de lo público y abusadores de todo el país) de
Ingeominas y Ministerio de Minas, le siga haciendo daño a Colombia y a
nuestro Patrimonio Natural.

Para que denunciemos,

Hernán Porras Gallego
Consejero Departamental de Planeación por las Organizaciones Ambientales
de Antioquia
Director Corporación CEAM

Consultar en 

Talk-co mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] GeoImage in HiRes (!)

2011-07-02 Per discussione Andreas Labres
On 01.07.11 17:23, Boris Cornet wrote:
 Allerdings kommen mir bei der Formulierung Zweifel, ob diese Freigabe
 für OSM tauglich ist:
 Die Nutzung für die Erzeugung von Folgeprodukten (siehe 5. oben)
 ist unter der Voraussetzung gestattet, dass die erzeugten
 Folgeprodukte der Creative Common Lizenz
 „Namensnennung-NichtKommerziell-Weitergabe unter gleichen
 Bedingungen 3.0 Österreich (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)“, siehe
 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/at/, unterliegen.

Hier stehen die Nutzungsbedingungen: http://geoimage.at/geoimage/geodatendienste

Und dieser Satz steht im ersten Absatz davon: Die Dienste und deren Inhalte
können für folgende nicht kommerzielle Zwecke (jeweils und ausschließlich)
verwendet werden: 1. Private Nutzung, 2. Forschung, 3. Bildung, 4. Schulische
Nutzung / Unterricht, 5. Erzeugung von Open Data Folgeprodukten, 6. Nutzung für
Vereinszwecke, 7. Nutzung innerhalb von Blaulichtorganisationen, 8. Nutzung
innerhalb von Behörden, jedoch nur zur Erfüllung gesetz­licher Aufgaben und ohne
Darstellung im Internet.

Das können wir /nicht/ erfüllen,
a) jetzt nicht, weil die Daten dzt. CC-BY-SA 2.0 veröffentlicht werden
b) und später mit CT/ODbL schon überhaupt nicht.

Servus, Andreas

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Neznacena cyklotrasa

2011-07-02 Per discussione f.remenstech
 mam se nejak snazit zakreslit cyklostezku, ktera ma u Shocartu v mape cislo,
 ale fyzicky na trase neni jedina cedule?

 kdyz tam neni, tak jak ji chces nakreslit?
 Chapal bych to tak, ze fyzicky tam je cesta/silnice, je to zakresleny v
 mape, ale nejsou tam ukazatele ktery by oznacovaly kudy se dat. A pokud
 je to existujici trasa, byt bez znaceni, tak samo do mapy s ni.

Fyzicky tam ta cesta je, jsou na ni stopy po cyklistech, ale jedina
informace, ze se jedna o cyklostezku je v komercni mape. Cestu
jsem zakreslil, ale pridavat ji do relace lcn mi prijde jako obkreslovat
turistickou znacku z jine mapy.

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Salut et encouragement pour Camille obligée de quitter Ecrans.fr

2011-07-02 Per discussione Ab_fab
Les deux articles sont désormais accessibles en version intégrale sur le
site internet
Mais il manque les jolies images de la version papier ;-)

A noter que ce numéro de Libération est une carte blanche donnée aux
géographes de tous poils
(comme il se doit pour un vendredi, n'est-ce pas Camille !)

Le 1 juillet 2011 15:37, Romain MEHUT romain.me...@gmail.com a écrit :



 Je vous conseille fortement de passer par votre maison de la presse du
 coin. Ces 2 articles sont un excellent support pédagogique pour sensibiliser
 d'autres personnes...

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Salut et encouragement pour Camille obligée de quitter Ecrans.fr

2011-07-02 Per discussione Vincent Pottier

Le 02/07/2011 10:47, Ab_fab a écrit :
Les deux articles sont désormais accessibles en version intégrale sur 
le site internet

Mais il manque les jolies images de la version papier ;-)

A noter que ce numéro de Libération est une carte blanche donnée aux 
géographes de tous poils

(comme il se doit pour un vendredi, n'est-ce pas Camille !)

Camille a écrit :
Seul Google continue de la jouer perso. Son éditeur de cartes, Map 
Maker, reprend le principe d’OpenStreetMap, sauf que les internautes 
participants font don de leur travail à Google. Ils renoncent à tous 
leurs droits d’auteur et ne bénéficient même pas, en retour, d’une 
autorisation de réutiliser leurs données. 

Donne-moi ta montre et je te donnerai l'heure.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] TIGER 2010

2011-07-02 Per discussione Josh Doe
On Jul 2, 2011 1:49 AM, Dave Hansen d...@sr71.net wrote:

 On Fri, 2011-07-01 at 23:45 -0400, Josh Doe wrote:
  The TIGER wiki page (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/TIGER) has
  been woefully out-of-date for quite a while now, so I've gone through
  and cleaned it up as best I could (I still haven't gotten a definitive
  answer as to whether 2005 or 2006 data was imported back in 2007/2008
  by Dave Hansen).

 You should really ask him.  Wonder where he hangs out these days. :)

On March 24 I sent an inquiry to you,  Vintage of TIGER import data. Must
have been caught by a spam filter.

 My scripts had this set as their base url:


Thanks, I'll update the wiki.

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] New orthoimagery for NC

2011-07-02 Per discussione Nathan Edgars II

On 6/10/2011 5:31 PM, James Umbanhowar wrote:

The state of North Carolina has released 6 inch resolution orthoimagery for
the entire state that was taken during leaf off time in 2010.  These are great
quality for all types of mapping.  The information about the service is at:


The following url works in JOSM:


I finally had a look at this in JOSM. Thanks; it's good for filling in 
the gaps in Bing coverage (Bing is actually newer in some places, such 
as I-74 construction near Randleman).

Talk-us mailing list