OSM talk-ja のみなさん:


OpenStreetMap コミュニティから
OSMの未来を考える Future Group に日本人も参加しないか! と



I'm part of a five-man group called the 'Future Group', with a goal to have
a strategy for OSM in Summer 2014. One of our members is Dermot McNally, an
OSMF member. Info on the future group can be found here:
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Future and in its discussion page where
we have the first outlines of a SWOT available.

The Future Group is seeking worldwide input for the strategy. That's why I
put a message on @ talk last week:

It is possible that this message didn't reach a substantial part of the
Japanese community. Would you be so kind to pass this message onto a
Japanese talk list?

Kind regards, Johan de Ruijter The Netherlands

## Taichi FURUHASHI(MAPconcierge Inc. President)
## MAPconcierge satellite office at http://goo.gl/VgWD6 in NOMAD NEW'SBASE
## Vice-President of OpenStreetMap Foundation Japan with sinsai.info project
## Director of the OSGeo Foundation Japan
## Researcher of the center for spatial info. science, univ.of Tokyo
## TEL/Skype&Twitter&LI&FB: 070-6401-5963 / http://about.me/mapconcierge
## URL/Mail: http://www.mapconcierge.jp tai...@mapconcierge.jp
## GPS/GigaPan/UAV Shop: http://gpsconcierge.jp
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